圖片來源 : 牛耳藝術
Stevie, Laurie
This month, a symphony performance of The Lion King is coming to Taiwan. Movie lovers get to relive the magic of one of the most popular Disney stories. Or if you have never seen The Lion King, now is your chance to experience the magic for the very first time.
The 2019 version of the film will be shown while the famous musical score by Hans Zimmer is performed by the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. They will be accompanied by the Taiwan National Choir. Performances will take place in Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Taipei under the direction of conductor Marshall Bowen.
現場不但會放映 2019 年的電影版《獅子王》,長榮交響樂團還會同時演奏由漢斯‧季默譜出的著名電影配樂。他們的演出將由臺灣實驗合唱團獻聲伴唱。音樂會將於臺中、高雄及臺北登場演出,並由指揮家馬歇爾‧鮑恩指揮演奏。
圖片來源 : 牛耳藝術
The performance will feature Lebo Morake, who has been called the “voice of The Lion King.” Morake composed and sang for the original Lion King film. His voice is well-known for the distinct chant at the start of the film. In addition, Lebo helped on the soundtrack for the two animated sequels. He has also worked on the Broadway theater version and most recently, the 2019 CGI remake of the original film.
素有「《獅子王》之聲」稱號的李柏‧莫瑞克也將出場表演。莫瑞克曾替原版《獅子王》電影譜曲及獻唱。他的歌聲因電影片頭那段獨特的吟頌而出名。此外,李柏也替其後兩部動畫續作的原聲帶演唱歌曲。他的音樂心血也出現在百老匯版本以及最近期 2019 年《獅子王》的電腦繪圖重拍版本裡。
圖片來源 : 牛耳藝術
Don’t miss this amazing chance to appreciate a modern classic and hear the music of The Lion King like you’ve never heard it before.
圖片來源 : 牛耳藝術
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