Bruce, Antony
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00:27 標題講解
01:08 第一段
12:40 第二段
Have you ever walked into a bookstore and immediately needed to poop? 你是否曾經走進書店、就隨即需要去上大號呢?
In 1985, in the 40th volume of the magazine Book, the editor published a letter from a woman in Tokyo. She wrote that (C)every time she walked into a bookstore, she would feel the urge to use the restroom. After the letter was published, many readers (D)responded by saying they shared similar experiences. There was so much interest in the topic that several more articles were written about it. Today, the urge to poop when one looks around a bookstore has become known as the Mariko Aoki Phenomenon, which was named after the writer of the (B)original letter.
時間回到 1985 年,有本雜誌《Book》的第四十期中,編輯刊載了一名東京女性讀者的投書。她寫道每一次走進書店,她就會有迫切想上廁所的衝動。這封投書刊登之後,許多讀者回應自己也有類似的經驗。人們對這個主題非常感興趣,因此該雜誌又撰寫了幾篇文章來進行探討。如今人們在逛書店時想去上大號的衝動,已被普遍稱為青木麻里子現象,這是因最初那位投書人而得名的。
This wasn’t the first time feeling the urge to poop in a bookstore was mentioned in print, but it was the first time with a name (A)attached to it. Mariko Aoki was interviewed many times afterwards and didn’t mind that this phenomenon was named after her. In the 1990s and 2000s, (C)word continued to spread about this phenomenon, and it was even studied. Unfortunately, no definite answer has been found for why this happens, even though millions of people, mostly in Japan, have said it has happened to them.
這種進書店就便意濃的感覺,並不是首次在刊物上被提及,但卻是第一次有名字附加在上頭。青木麻里子之後接受了多次訪談,而且並不介意這個現象用她的名字來命名。在 1990 到 2000 年代,關於這種現象的消息不斷流傳,現象本身甚至還被研究了一番。不幸的是,儘管有數百萬人(大多數在日本)說這種現象曾發生在他們身上,但至今卻找不到明確的答案為何這種狀況會發生。
1. (A) now that (B) no wonder (C) every time (D) ever since
2. (A) disturbed (B) disputed (C) recovered (D) responded
3. (A) regional (B) original (C) previous (D) anxious
4. (A) attached (B) attaches (C) attaching (D) to attaching
5. (A) talk (B) spell (C) word (D) phrase
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