source: lev radin /
Chris, Antony
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Long before the fame of her son Elon Musk, Maye Musk was famous in the world of fashion. 早在兒子伊隆‧馬斯克成名之前,梅伊‧馬斯克在時尚界便已聲名遠播。
Maye Musk was born in Canada in 1948, with her birth name being Maye Haldeman. Her adventurous parents raised their children in South Africa but traveled often. She started modeling in high school, where she met her future husband, Errol Musk. They had three children, but the marriage only lasted nine years. As a single mother, Musk worked full time. To make ends meet, she opened her own business as a dietitian. She continued to model and became one of South Africa’s first plus-size models.
梅伊‧馬斯克於 1948 年在加拿大出生,其出生時的本名為梅伊‧霍爾德曼。她冒險精神十足的雙親在南非把孩子們拉拔長大,不過卻經常旅行。她在高中時期便開始當模特兒,並在學校與未來的丈夫埃羅爾‧馬斯克結識。他們生了三個小孩,但兩人婚姻卻僅維持了九年而已。身為一位單親媽媽,馬斯克投入全職工作。為了使收支平衡,她以營養師的身分自行創業。她也持續當模特兒,並成為南非最早的大尺碼模特兒之一。
In 1989, she moved her family back to Canada. There, she continued to work full time. She also kept working on herself by earning a master’s degree from the University of Toronto. It was a hard life, but Musk always made sure to invest in her children. She even bought her son Elon a computer before buying chairs for their new house!
1989 年時,她舉家搬回加拿大。她在那裡持續從事全職工作。她同時還不停精進自我,在多倫多大學獲得了碩士學位。日子雖苦,但馬斯克總是確保在孩子們身上投資。她甚至在為新家添購椅子之前,就先幫兒子伊隆買了一臺電腦!
source: Ovidiu Hrubaru /
Now, Maye Musk is an established dietitian who gives speeches and lectures worldwide. She’s also a successful model. In 2017, she even became fashion magazine CoverGirl’s oldest spokesmodel at age 69. How did she manage to accomplish these great achievements? She stays true to herself and always has passion for what she does.
梅伊‧馬斯克現為一位名聲卓越的營養師,在全球各地發表演說及授課。她同樣也是一位成功的模特兒。2017 年時,她甚至在六十九歲高齡成為了《CoverGirl》時尚雜誌最年長的代言模特兒。她到底是如何設法完成這些輝煌成就的呢?她忠於自我,並總是熱愛自己所做的一切。
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