The heartwarming story of a special street cat and his human
The book A Street Cat Named Bob charmed readers around the world when it was published in 2012. It is based on a true story of a moving friendship between a man and a cat.
《遇見街貓 Bob》這本書在 2012 年出版後,讓全球讀者皆著迷不已。(編按:本書英文名稱 A Street Cat Named Bob 的靈感是來自美國傳奇劇作家田納西‧威廉斯於 1948 年所撰的著名作品 A Streetcar Named Desire《慾望街車》;此劇也於 1951 年被改編成由知名影星馬龍‧白蘭度所演出的經典同名電影)本書是根據真實故事所寫成,內容是關於一位男子和一隻貓的動人友誼。
A Street Cat Named Bob was written by James Bowen. In 2007, Bowen, a homeless man performing with his guitar in the streets for money, was in a battle with drug addiction. Due to his poor quality of life, he was constantly in a state of fear and stress. Then, a ginger cat which also lived on the streets appeared in his life.
《遇見街貓 Bob》由詹姆斯‧伯恩所寫。2007 年時,在街頭彈吉他賣藝的街友伯恩正深陷與毒癮的搏鬥之中。因為其糟糕的生活品質,他經常處於恐懼和壓力的狀態下。接著,一隻同樣流落街頭的橘貓在他生命中出現了。(編按:雖然字典中 ginger 的中文定義為薑黃色,但實際上美國人常以 ginger 這個字來形容色系上有點相近的淡橘紅色,甚至作名詞用來指「長著紅頭髮的人」,故此處將 ginger cat 翻譯成中文裡較常講的橘貓)
One day, Bowen found the cat in the hallway of the place where he was staying. Though he could barely feed himself, Bowen decided to look after the cat and named him Bob.
Nursing Bob back to health gave some purpose to Bowen’s life, and he was finally able to quit using drugs and become healthier. Bob also became a part of Bowen’s performances. The pair’s powerful relationship helped them heal each other.
詹姆斯‧伯恩(James Bowen)與街貓鮑伯(Bob)(圖片來源:Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com)
It also sent a message of hope. Their tale is a wonderful read for those who need love in their lives. 這段佳話也傳遞了「希望」的訊息。對於在生命中需要愛來滋潤的人來說,他們的故事讀起來絕對是精彩萬分。
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