Tragic lessons learned from one of the history's worst disasters
Britain’s Titanic is the most famous ship in history. It took 15,000 workers two years to build the ship with the nickname “Ship of Dreams,” as it had many luxuries. This included a swimming pool, library, and even a barber shop. The Titanic was the largest ship ever built at that time, stretching for 269 meters, which is the length of three soccer fields.
More than 2,200 people were on board the Titanic for its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York on April 10, 1912. Passengers were divided into three classes. Wealthy, first-class passengers had private rooms at the top of the ship. Second-class passengers stayed in cabins with two or four beds in the middle section. Third-class passengers squeezed into rooms that fitted 10 people on the lower levels. Incredibly, all 700 third-class passengers shared just two bathtubs.
The builders of the Titanic claimed it was the safest ship ever constructed. They boasted about its unique hull. It had 16 sections, so the ship could keep floating even if water leaked into two or three sections. Some even called it the “Unsinkable Ship.” Unfortunately, the Titanic could not live up to this name.
★ 1. tragic [ ˋtrædʒɪk ] a. 悲劇的;令人悲痛的
Tears filled my eyes when I heard the tragic news.
★ 2. disaster [ dɪˋzæstɚ ] n. 災難
The natural disaster caused great damage to the country.
★ 3. luxury [ ˋlʌkʃərɪ ] n. 奢侈品(可數);奢侈,奢華(不可數)
Jerry can’t afford any luxuries because he has no income.
4. passenger [ ˋpæsndʒɚ ] n. 乘客
The passengers got nervous when the plane began to shake.
★ 5. squeeze into... 擠進……
Despite all of my efforts, I still can’t squeeze into those jeans.
★ 6. construct [ kənˋstrʌkt ] vt. 建造
Constructing a tunnel through the mountains can be a very difficult undertaking.
* undertaking [ :VndK`tekIG ] n. 工作,任務
★ 7. leak [ lik ] vi. 漏水
Water is leaking from the pipe, so we need to call someone to fix it.
8. live up to... 符合∕達到……(期望、標準等)
Most children feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of their parents.
► a barber shop 男士理髮店
barber [ ˋbɑrbɚ ] n. 理髮師
► a maiden [ ˋmedn ] voyage 處女航
► cabin [ ˋkæbɪn ] n. 船艙;機艙;小木屋
► incredibly [ ɪnˋkrɛdəblɪ ] adv. 難以置信地
► hull [ hʌl ] n. 船身,船殼
► unsinkable [ ʌnˋsɪŋkəb! ] a. 不會下沉的
1. Which of the following is true?
(A) The Titanic is still a popular option for travel.
(B) The maiden voyage of the Titanic started from New York.
(C) Passengers could enjoy a variety of entertainment on the Titanic.
(D) Third-class passengers had larger rooms than second-class passengers.
2. Which of the following would you LEAST likely see on the Titanic?
(A) Eating places.
(B) A library.
(C) A barber shop.
(D) A gas station.
答案: 1. C 2. D
1912 年四月十日,有兩千兩百多名乘客登上了鐵達尼號從南安普敦開往紐約的首航。乘客被分為三種階層。富裕的頭等艙乘客在船頂有私人房間。二等艙的乘客住在中間有兩張或四張床的客艙裡。三等艙的乘客則擠進較低樓層、每間可容納十人的小房間裡。令人難以置信的是,三等艙共七百名乘客一起共用的浴缸只有兩個。
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The six of us squeezed into a car that had four seats only.
我們 6 個人擠入只有 4 個座位的車子。
It was surprising that the Titanic sank into the middle
of the Atlantic Ocean during her maiden voyage.
Most children feel the pressure to live up to the expectations of their parents.