在選擇大學的時候, 每個人考慮的因素都 不相同, 在全盤考量後, 以下是三個大部分學 生會做的選擇 :( 一) 排名前面的大學 ;( 二) 在自己所在地區的大學;( 三) 專業評價較高 的大學。 這三個選擇中, 你會選擇哪一個?請 以此為題, 寫一篇英文作文, 文長至少 120 個單詞( words)。 文分兩段, 第一段說明選 擇大學時, 一般會納入考量的因素, 第二段敘 述你自己會選上述三種選擇中哪一種, 並說明 理由。
利用2W(What+Why) | |
何事 | What do we need to take into consideration when choosing a university? |
何事 | What is your choice among the three alternatives? |
為何 | Why would you make this choice? |
第一段: 選擇大學時,一般會納入考量的因素。
• 學生通常會考慮像是學術名聲、教職員的素 質、開設的課程、校園設施,以及實習或研 究機會等因素。
• 這些因素在形塑學生的教育旅程和未來職涯 展望上扮演很關鍵的角色。
• 大部分的學生往往會從三個選擇上做出決 定:排名前面的大學、在自己當地的大學, 以及有著良好專業評價的大學。
第二段: 我會偏好選擇有良好專業評價的大學。
• 我認為在我選擇就讀的領域中,教育品質和 大學的名聲是首要的。
• 一間有著強力專業評價的大學表示它受到僱 主、業界龍頭和學術界的認可與尊敬。
• 就讀一所有著這種良好專業評價的大學能讓 我有機會接觸到在他們各自領域中是專家的 教職員。
第一段: When deciding which university to attend, students often consider factors such as academic reputation, quality of faculty, programs on offer, campus facilities, and opportunities for internships or research.
a. These factors play a crucial role in shaping a student’s educational journey and future career prospects.
b. Most students tend to focus on one of these three types of university: highly ranked universities, universities in their local area, and universities with good reputations.
第二段: Among the three choices, my preference would be to select a university with a good professional reputation.
a. I believe that the quality of education and the reputation of the institution within my chosen field of study are paramount.
b. A university with a strong professional reputation signifies that it is recognized and respected by employers, industry leaders, and academic communities.
結論句: Attending a university with a strong reputation would give me access to exceptional faculty members who are experts in their respective fields.
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