克漏字 | 本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Antony 老師)
Finding a way to smile after years behind a mask.
As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries required their citizens to wear face masks. As the pandemic gradually __1__, and masks are no longer needed in public places in most countries, many people are finding it difficult to smile again. This is especially true in Japan, where many people are seeking help from Keiko Kawano, a professional smile coach.
Keiko Kawano first began teaching people how to smile at a gym in Tokyo in 2017. She later started teaching in nursing homes, in company offices, or even to individuals who hoped a better smile would help them __2__ better jobs or relationships. The course focuses on building up facial muscles, mainly the zygomatic muscles, which pull the corners of the mouth.
I need to do more exercise to build up my muscles.