
✶水果的奇妙變化:褐變 What is Enzymatic Browning?

What is Enzymatic Browning?
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水果的奇妙變化:褐變 What is Enzymatic Browning?
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    Everyone has seen a piece of fruit turn brown after being cut. Have you ever wondered why that happens? It is a common phenomenon that occurs due to a chemical reaction called enzymatic browning. The appearance, flavor, and nutritional value of the fruit are all affected by this reaction.

    Some fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, avocados, and peaches, are more prone to enzymatic browning than others. These fruits contain high levels of an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, or PPO for short. __1__ This causes a chain of chemical reactions that ultimately transforms the phenolic compounds into melanin, turning the fruit brown. Moreover, when fruit is bruised due to temperature changes or other external factors, the damaged cells break open and come into contact with air. __2__


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    There are several methods to prevent or slow down enzymatic browning in fruit. __3__ This lowers the pH level of the fruit tissue, causing the PPO to be far less active. Another method is to store the fruit in an airtight container or to wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. Doing this will reduce its exposure to oxygen. __4__ Although fruit that has undergone enzymatic browning may look less appealing, it is still safe to eat. However, by using one of these simple methods, you can enjoy fresh-looking fruit for a longer period.

(A) Therefore, the bruised parts turn brown and in turn affect the entire fruit.

(B) When the fruit is cut, the PPO inside it reacts with the oxygen in the air.

(C) One effective way is to coat the surface of the sliced fruit with an acidic substancesuch as lemon juice or vinegar.

(D) Quickly steaming the sliced fruit or briefly dipping it in boiling water can also inactivate the PPO and stop its reaction with air.


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  Everyone has seen a piece of fruit turn brown after being cut. Have you ever wondered why that happens? It is a common phenomenon that occurs due to a chemical reaction called enzymatic browning. The appearance, flavor, and nutritional value

 of the fruit are all affected by this reaction.

    Some fruits, such as apples, pears, bananas, avocados, and peaches, are more prone to enzymatic browning than others. These fruits contain high levels of an enzyme called polyphenol oxidase, or PPO for short. When the fruit is cut, the PPO inside it reacts with the oxygen in the air. This causes a chain of chemical reactions that ultimately transforms the phenolic compounds into melanin, turning the fruit brown. Moreover, when fruit is bruised due to temperature changes or other external factors, the damaged cells break open and come into contact with air. Therefore, the bruised parts turn brown and in turn affect the entire fruit.

 There are several methods to prevent or slow down enzymatic browning in fruit. One effective way is to coat the surface of the sliced fruit with an acidic substancesuch as lemon juice or vinegar. This lowers the pH level of the fruit tissue, causing the PPO to be far less active. Another method is to store the fruit in an airtight container or to wrap it tightly with plastic wrap. Doing this will reduce its exposure to oxygen. Quickly steaming the sliced fruit or briefly dipping it in boiling water can also inactivate the PPO and stop its reaction with air. Although fruit that has undergone enzymatic browning may look less appealing, it is still safe to eat. However, by using one of these simple methods, you can enjoy fresh-looking fruit for a longer period.


Words in Use
n. 現象(單數)
n. 反應(與介詞 to 並用)
n. 口味
vt. 給……調味
.vt. 變化,改變
vt. 阻止;預防,避免
n. 容器
vt. 包裝,包
n. 覆蓋物(不可數);披肩
adv. 牢固地,緊緊地
vt. 使減少;使淪為
a. 吸引人的
vi. & vt. (使)變慢
adj. (動作、鐘錶)慢的
adv. 慢地(= slowly)
a. 營養的
n. 酪梨
adv. 最終,最後
adj. 外部的
n. 外觀,外形
a. . 氣密的;(案件、論點等)無懈可擊的;(防禦等)滴水不漏的
vt. 經歷;接受(治療、訓練)
Practical Phrases
transform A into B
 將 A 改變為 B
= change A into B

The land owner transformed the old house into a hotel.

be prone to + N/V
= be liable to
be prone to
= be prone to
= be inclined to V
= be likely to V
= tend to V

Grace is prone to lie to people. Take what she says with caution.

break open

The coconuts fell from the tree and broke open.

come into / in contact with...

Because Jerry is a waiter, he comes into contact with people from all walks of life every day.

slow down... / slow... down

Your presentation is good, but remember to slow down the speed of your speech so that everyone can understand what you're saying.

nutritional value
the pH level
 酸鹼值(範圍從 0 至 14,數值愈小酸性愈高)


1. 第一題空格應選 (B)


a. 本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前指出,PPO 含量高的水果比其他水果更容易發生酶促褐變,而空格後一句表示,某種狀況會促成水果變成褐色,可知空格應解釋水果內的 PPO 如何引起酶促褐變。
b. 選項 (B) 表示,當這些水果被切開,內含的 PPO 會與空氣中的氧氣相互作用,語意連貫,且選項後一句的 This 指的即是 PPO 與氧氣互相作用的現象,故答案應選 (B)。

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)


a. 本空格在測試對段落結論句的掌握,本段前半指出,水果內含的 PPO 和氧氣作用使得水果變成褐色,而空格前一句提到,水果碰傷時也會接觸到空氣,可推測空格應進一步解釋水果碰傷處接觸到空氣後會發生什麼事。
b. 選項 (A) 表示,因此,碰傷的部分轉變成褐色,因而影響到整個水果,語意連貫且符合推測,可知答案應選 (A)。

3. 第三題空格應選 (C)


a. 本空格在測試對段落語意連貫性的掌握,空格前一句提到,有一些方法能避免或減緩水果的酶促褐變,而空格後說明,空格的做法能降低水果組織的酸鹼值,讓 PPO 較不活躍,可知空格應提出避免或減緩酶促褐變的方法,且與影響 PPO 有關。
b. 選項 (C) 表示,其中一個有效的方式就是在切片水果的表面塗上酸性物質,像是檸檬汁或醋,語意連貫,且選項中塗上酸性物質的做法正是能降低水果酸鹼值進而影響 PPO 的方法,故答案應選 (C)。

4. 第四題空格應選 (D)


a. 本空格在測試對段落語意發展的掌握,本段旨在介紹避免或減緩酶促褐變的方法,空格前舉例了在水果表面塗上酸性物質,以及將水果存放在密封的容器內,皆是避免水果內的 PPO 直接與空氣接觸的做法,可推測空格應繼續舉例,且做法應也是避免
b. 選項 (D) 表示,快速蒸一下切片水果或將其短暫浸泡在滾水中也能使 PPO 失去活性,並終止 PPO與空氣的作用,語意連貫且符合推測,故答案應選 (D)。


appearance  n. 外表;外貌
After the renovation, the appearance of the old house was different.

以下介紹 appearance 的其他意思和用法:
a. appearance 表「外表;外貌」時,有以下常見用法:
judge by appearances  以貌取人,憑表面判斷
We shouldn’t judge by appearances but rather judge by actions.
b. 表「出現」。
The virus’ appearance in numerous countries shows its infectious nature.
make an appearance  露面
The novelist will make an appearance to promote her new work.
c. 表「體面,面子」。
keep up appearances  保持體面,維持表面
To keep up appearances in front of her rich friends, Judy rented a luxury gown and wore it to the party.
d. 法律用語中,表「出庭」。
In this case, the defendant’s physical appearance in court is required.

    有些水果 ── 像是蘋果、梨子、香蕉、酪梨和桃子 ── 比其他水果更容易發生酶促褐變。這些水果有高含量的多酚氧化酶(簡稱 PPO)這種酶類。當這些水果被切開,內含的 PPO 會與空氣中的氧氣相互作用。這導致一連串的化學反應,最終將酚化物轉變為黑色素,而黑色素將水果變成了褐色。此外,當水果因為溫度變化或其他外部因素而碰傷時,受損的細胞會碎開並接觸到空氣。因此,碰傷的部分轉變成褐色,因而影響到整個水果。
    有一些方法能避免或減緩水果的酶促褐變。其中一個有效的方式就是在切片水果的表面塗上酸性物質,像是檸檬汁或醋。這樣做能降低水果組織的酸鹼值,讓 PPO 更不為活躍。另一個方式是將水果存放在密封的容器內,或用保鮮膜將其緊緊包住。這樣做會減少水果與氧氣的接觸。快速蒸一下切片水果或將其短暫浸泡在滾水中也能使 PPO 失去活性,並終止 PPO 與空氣的作用。

答案: 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D



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