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Vending machines serve a variety of purposes: dispensing candy bars, chips, soda, pens, and even ice cream, to name just a few. One unusual use for these machines is to __1__ short stories—really short ones. Short Édition, a French community publisher of short literature, has developed stylish, cylindrical dispensers. These unique machines allow people to select free works of fiction based on their __2__.
The devices feature three buttons that let the public choose from stories that take one minute, three minutes, or five minutes to finish. After readers decide on the appropriate time frame, the kiosks __3__. They can then conveniently stuff this paper into their pockets, purses, or bags and read it at their leisure.
Frank has many hobbies, such as singing, dancing, and painting, to name just a few.
Has the company decided on the color of the uniform?
You don’t have to write the report now; you can do it at your leisure.
We need to make the most of this beautiful day and take more photos.
Sherry would be thrilled to attend the concert with you.
The booklet is free of charge.
The elderly can get in the museum free of charge.