生活快遞 |本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Antony 老師)
A common myth about the camel’s hump is that it stores water. While it’s true that camels can go for more than a week without water, they don’t store water in their humps. Instead, their humps are mostly made up of fat. As much as 80 pounds of fat can be stored in a camel’s hump. This fat is turned into energy when a camel goes without food for a long time, such as during the dry seasons. This allows a camel to survive several months without eating. When a camel uses up its supply of fat, the hump will shrink. It will then become floppy like a balloon that has deflated.
As much as 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water.
地球有多達 70% 的面積被水覆蓋。
We overspent and used up our savings.
Rick is an accountant and also functions as a dance teacher.
The basement also functions as a gym.