


微軟收購《魔獸》開發商 英文用merge還是acquire?

#多益TOEIC #經濟·商業
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開發商 英文用merge還是acquire
近期遊戲界最熱門的新聞,無非是微軟(Microsoft)收購美國遊戲開發商動視暴雪(Activation Blizzard),不僅創下微軟創立至今最大交易規模,也是遊戲業史上最大收購案。
延伸閱讀 >> 【多益單字】spend、cost、take 都是「花費」哪裡不一樣?

(Photo by Louis-Philippe Poitras on Unsplash)

近期遊戲界最熱門的新聞,無非是微軟(Microsoft)收購美國遊戲開發商動視暴雪(Activation Blizzard),不僅創下微軟創立至今最大交易規模,也是遊戲業史上最大收購案。微軟為何要進行這場收購呢?背後的策略與目的是什麼?讓我們來從相關新聞學英文!


Microsoft Corp announced plans to acquire Activision Blizzard Inc, a leader in game development and interactive entertainment content publisher.

企業收購或是併購是多益測驗中經常會出現的標準情境,要了解這方面的單字,至少要學會三組字詞merge (v.)/merger (v.)、acquire (v.)/acquisition (n.)、以及joint venture。

merge「併」購,也有「聯姻」的概念;acquire「收」購,是「併吞」的概念。但是因為近代這兩者的界線已經越來越模糊,所以業界目前常以「M&A(Merger & Acquisition)」來統稱。joint venture則是創投,與前兩者是截然不同的概念。

The parties involved failed to reach a consensus in the final negotiation, and the merger is called off.


This acquisition will accelerate the growth in Microsoft’s gaming business across mobile, PC, console and cloud and will provide building blocks for the metaverse.


Numerous ventures have launched accelerators for blockchain start-ups.


Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard for $95.00 per share, in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion, inclusive of Activision Blizzard’s net cash. When the transaction closes, Microsoft will become the world’s third-largest gaming company by revenue, behind Tencent and Sony.

這段文章中有許多商業英文必學的單字。Stock是「股票」,share是「股份」,一張股票通常是1000股,所以股市經常提到的EPS就是earnings per share「每股盈餘」意思。

transaction「交易」是TOEIC測驗中幾乎每回都會出現的單字,來自於動詞transact。net本來的意思是「網子」,大寫Net代表Internet(網路)。但當在商業字中加上net,就有「淨」的意思,例如net profit「淨獲利」、net loss「淨損失」。


The company said that the profit for Q4 will increase by 11% as the customers have increased due to closed borders.


Bobby Kotick will continue to serve as CEO of Activision Blizzard, and he and his team will maintain their focus on driving efforts to further strengthen the company’s culture and accelerate business growth. Once the deal closes, the Activision Blizzard business will report to Phil Spencer, CEO, Microsoft Gaming.
(Bobby Kotick將會持續擔任動視暴雪的執行長,他與帶領的團隊會聚焦在強化公司文化與加速企業成長上。當交易完成後,動視暴雪企業將會向對微軟遊戲部執行長Phil Spencer負責。)


close the deal「交易完成」,英文中的deal就是商業條件的「說定」,所以若確定方案可行,或要表達說定了,就可以說it’s a deal。口語中更常以deal一個單字來代表。

A: Deal?(說定了嗎?)
B: Deal!(說定了!)

因為英文也講究押韻,常用同樣結尾的字來增加音韻美感,因此表達「達成協議」也可以用seal the deal來形容;若「打破約定」則用break the deal。口語中也常用deal-breaker來形容「談判中造成失敗的要素」。

The outrageous salary expectation will be the deal-breaker in most interviews.

The company is prepared to invest more to seal the deal.

台灣有許多Activation Blizzard的忠實玩家,筆者也是。願能看到這個在歷史上曾經如此茁壯的公司,在這次併購之後繼續茁壯,重返榮光。


Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) announced plans to acquire Activision Blizzard Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI), a leader in game development and interactive entertainment content publisher. This acquisition will accelerate the growth in Microsoft’s gaming business across mobile, PC, console and cloud and will provide building blocks for the metaverse.

Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard for $95.00 per share, in an all-cash transaction valued at $68.7 billion, inclusive of Activision Blizzard’s net cash. When the transaction closes, Microsoft will become the world’s third-largest gaming company by revenue, behind Tencent and Sony. The planned acquisition includes iconic franchises from the Activision, Blizzard and King studios like “Warcraft,” “Diablo,” “Overwatch,” “Call of Duty” and “Candy Crush,” in addition to global eSports activities through Major League Gaming. The company has studios around the world with nearly 10,000 employees.

Bobby Kotick will continue to serve as CEO of Activision Blizzard, and he and his team will maintain their focus on driving efforts to further strengthen the company’s culture and accelerate business growth. Once the deal closes, the Activision Blizzard business will report to Phil Spencer, CEO, Microsoft Gaming.

1. Which is correct?
(A) When it comes to revenue, Microsoft will become the world’s largest gaming company after this merger.
(B) The CEO of Activision Blizzard will be replaced by Phil Spencer.
(C) The acquisition will also include Activision’s monetary assets.
(D) The acquisition only includes franchises from Blizzard Activision and Microsoft.

2. The underlined word “closes” is closest to the meaning of
(A) turn off
(B) shut down
(C) complete
(D) cover the opening


1. 正解為(C)。題目問哪個選項描述正確?(A)微軟將會成為第三大,而非最大;(B) CEO不會被取代,而是改為向Phil Spencer負責;(D)經營權也有包含King Soft的Candy Crush。故(C)為正確答案。

2. 正解為(C)。文中的closes句意是「成交」的意思,故(C)為正解。(A)關閉,(B)關門,(D)把打開的地方關上(實體關上)。



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