‧ I’m writing to + 目的... 我來信的目的是…
(Ex: I’m writing to confirm my order that I placed yesterday.)
‧ I’m reaching out about … 我的來信是關於…
(Ex: I’m reaching out about the quotation that you offered. )
‧ We’re glad/delighted to tell you … 我們很高興要告訴你…
‧ We regret to inform you that … 我們很遺憾要通知你…
‧ We’re writing to remind you of +N … 我們寫信來是提醒您…
‧ Just a quick note to tell you that... 只是想告訴你…
‧ We’re afraid that we have to let you know.. 我們恐怕必須讓您知道..
‧ We look forward to receiving your reply soon. 我們期望能很快收到您的回覆。
= We look forward to hearing from you soon.
‧ Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions or concerns.
‧ I will keep you posted. 我們保持聯絡。
正式 : Sincerely (yours), Best regards…
輕鬆 : Best, Best wishes, Take care…
‧ Regarding your request / letter / question… 關於您的詢問/信件/問題...
‧ In reply to your question / email dated +日期... 回覆您的問題../幾月幾號的信件...
‧ Thank you for reaching out to us regarding… 感謝聯繫我們關於…
‧ We just received your inquiry. We’ll get back to you about your order ASAP.
‧ Sorry for the late reply. / Sorry for the delay in replying. /I’m sorry for taking so long to get back to you. 抱歉我晚回了…
‧ We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. 我們很抱歉造成的不便
‧ Please accept our sincere apology for the mistake. 對於這個錯誤,請接受我們誠摯的道歉。
Regretfully, the metal hinges you requested are currently out of stock.
Eric said he would be glad to give Monica a ride.
Kent likes to go surfing in his free time.