但你知道他們的英文怎麼說嗎? 帶大家認識常見遊樂設施的英文說法
roller coaster 雲霄飛車
Ferris wheel 摩天輪
bumper cars 碰碰車
pirate ship 海盜船
tea cups 旋轉茶杯
carousel 旋轉木馬 (英式:merry-go-round)
log flume 轟浪滑艇 (激流勇進)
monorail 單軌列車
ride n. 供人乘坐的遊樂設施
flume n. 滑水道
e.g. I can’t wait to get on the ride. I’ve been waiting for an hour.
e.g. Getting on the ride can get my adrenaline pumping.
e.g. The roller coaster ride is one of the most thrilling things at an amusement park.
e.g. I was scared to death in the haunted house.
e.g. Tea cups are for the less daring. Let’s get on Space Mountain. Don’t chicken out at the last minute.
daring a. 敢於冒險的
at the last minute 在最後一刻
e.g. How about we take a look at the waxworks? (我們去蠟像館看看怎麼樣?)
waxworks 蠟像館
circus tent 馬戲團帳篷
3D cinema 3D電影院
aquarium 水族館
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The children are looking forward to going to the amusement park.
Tea cups are for the less daring. Let's get on Space Mountain. Don't chicken out at the last minute.