If you want to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you have to pay the piper by eating well and exercising regularly.(如果你想享受健康生活方式的好處,你必須經常吃得健康並定期運動,這是有代價的。)
If you take out a loan to buy a new car, you'll have to pay the piper with interestpaymentsover time.(如果你貸款購買新車,你最終必須支付相應的利息費用。)
When you make a promise, you'll eventually have to pay the piper if you don't keep it.(當你做出承諾時,如果不履行,最終你必須承擔代價。)
英文小典故:「pay the piper」這個表達來自一個古老的故事,源自於童話故事《仙樂女皇》(The Pied Piper of Hamelin)。這個故事講述了一位吹笛音樂家(通常被稱為"Pied Piper",意思是穿著花格子服的吹笛手,piper 是吹笛手的意思。)受僱來消除一個小鎮的老鼠問題。他通過吹奏魔笛,使老鼠跟隨他走進了一個河流,但當鎮上的居民拒絕支付他應得的報酬時,他用同樣的方式帶走了他們的孩子。
2 pay off in spades付出很大的努力或代價
She invested a lot of time and effort preparing for the presentation, but it paid off in spades at the conference.(她花了很多時間和精力來準備這次演講,但最終她的演講在會議上表現得非常出色,回報頗豐。)
英文小典故:「pay off in spades」是一個俚語,表示在某方面獲得巨大的成功或回報,通常是指獲得比預期更多或更好的結果。這個短語的使用中通常含有積極的意義,表示努力或投資最終取得了出色的成果。"pay off" 意味著獲得回報,而 "in spades" 表示以倍數或極大程度。這個表達源自紙牌遊戲橋牌中的俚語,其中"spades" 是一種花色,具有最高的權值。所以,如果你在橋牌遊戲中贏得了一手"spades",你將得到一大筆分數,因此 "in spades" 意味著以大量的分數或回報。
3 pay through the nose付出高昂的代價
If you buy concert tickets at the last minute, you'll have to pay through the nose.(如果你在最後一刻購買音樂會門票,你將不得不付高價。)
4 pay one's way 自負盈虧
When you go on a group trip, it's important to pay your way and contribute your fair share.(參加團體旅行時,重要的是自己承擔費用並出一份公平的貢獻。)
In a shared apartment, it's important that everyone pays their way for rent and utilities.(在共用公寓中,每個人支付租金和水電費是很重要的。)
During my time in college, I worked hard to pay for my tuition and living expenses; I've always been "paying my way."(在大學期間,我努力工作以支付自己的學費和生活費,我一直以來都是自己 "paying my way"。)
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