


《多益高分-最強實戰》第一回:PART7 多篇閱讀【Bernice 9/6(五) 19:30~20:30 直播課內容】

TOEIC 多益 750 輕鬆過
《多益高分-最強實戰》第一回:PART7 多篇閱讀【Bernice 9/6(五) 19:30~20:30 直播課內容】
延伸閱讀 >> 【多益單字】spend、cost、take 都是「花費」哪裡不一樣?

Part 7 Multiple Passages 多篇閱讀

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, emails, and instant messages. Each text or set of texts is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet

大題 / 題型 題數 答題時間
Part 7 Reading Comprehension 單篇閱讀 29(10 則單篇閱讀,每則 2-4 題) 每題 60秒


enlightened標示 為 Bernice 老師即將在 9/6(五) 19:30~20:20 「 多益直播課 」解題內容!(→ 看詳情


Questions 176-180 refer to the following email and attachme.

From: Inuchiyo Hamachi
To: George Freidrichs
Date: March 3
Subject: Loan application from Gregor Armastich

Dear Mr. Friedrichs:

This email is a follow-up to our discussion yesterday afternoon concerning Mr. Gregor Armastich, who has applied for a business loan of €175,000 in order to renovate and redecorate his existing restaurant facilities. After doing a standard credit check on Mr. Armastich and his business, the Best of Bologna, I have found some worrisome indicators that he did not disclose in his application.

He has several outstanding loans that have gone unpaid for some time. There is also an unpaid bill to a building contractor who previously did some work for him. This unpaid debt means the contractor is officially an unpaid creditor. You’ll find a list of Mr. Armastich’s four largest debts in the attachment to this email.

Given this poor credit history, I must advise against Mr. Armastich’s application. In addition, there are definite economic signs that there will be a downturn in the economy, which will undoubtedly have an impact on Mr. Armastich’s business.

Inuchiyo Hamachi


Major outstanding debts of Gregor I. Armastich
Name & Amount Date Due Period in Default
Second National Bank Mortgage: €315,000 Semi-monthly payments until mid-2024 Payment is now 65 days late (nearly five payments overdue).
Brown & Sons Ltd. Construction work: €23,500 Final payment was expected Sept. 30, 2011. Only €5,500 of the total bill of €23,500 was paid. The most recent payment was made February 20, 2012.
Moore Motors Financial Co. Car loan: €29,500 Monthly payments until Nov. 2019 Nearly 90 days past due.
Better Kitchen Supplies €8,250 Unpaid invoice dated Nov. 24 More than 90 days past due. Final notice issued March 11, 2012.

 176 . What is the purpose of the email?
(A) To apply for a loan from a bank
(B) To discuss the possibility of opening a restaurant
(C) To provide information related to a request to borrow money
(D) To reject Mr. Freidrichs’s application


 177 What is suggested about Mr. Armastich?
(A) He didn’t give detailed information about the money he owes.
(B) He is the owner of more than one restaurant.
(C) His loan will be approved when the economy improves.
(D) His business is able to generate profits in the future.


 178 What is Ms. Hamachi’s opinion of the application?
(A) Positive
(B) Undecided
(C) Encouraging
(D) Negative


 179 Which debt does Ms. Hamachi refer to most specifically in the email?
(A) Construction work done by Brown & Sons
(B) A house loan from Second National Bank
(C) Money from Moore Motors to purchase an automobile
(D) An unpaid invoice from Better Kitchen Supplies


 180 What is NOT true about Mr. Armastich’s debts?
(A) The home loan must be paid approximately every two weeks.
(B) They are not all business-related loans.
(C) They total in excess of € 300,000.
(D) They were all approved by Mr. Freidrichs.



 Questions 181-185 refer to the following notice and article.


We Need a Name

For over three years, Trecho Sportswear has been developing a revolutionary new product. It’s a radical new line of sneakers, which is destined to change how people view sports shoes. Before the product is launched this fall, we invite you to come up with the perfect name. If your entry is successful, you will receive US$25,000, plus a first-class trip to London to attend the product launch as an exclusive VIP member.

The name should reflect the ultra-modern design of the sneakers, which includes technological innovations such as optional battery-powered heat pads, a built-in music player, and Bluetooth connectivity.

An entry form is available at www.trechosportswear.com. Employees and family members of Trecho Sportswear or any advertising agency are not eligible to enter.


Trecho Announce Smart Sneakers
San Francisco (June 4)—Trecho Sportswear has unveiled the company’s latest attempt at capturing a greater share of the lucrative high-end sneaker market. The company has paired ultra-light and ultra-tough sneakers with sophisticated hi-tech gadgetry, such as GPS and Bluetooth, to create what will be known as Sprintel Sneakers.
  A spectacular presentation by CEO Gina White at their company headquarters

was attended by professional athletes, dignitaries from the government, and company employees. Also present was Judy Dumollard, a 22-year-old college student from Mauritius who named Trecho’s new product.
  Long lines are expected at all Trecho outlets on Monday morning when Sprintel Sneakers go on sale to the public. The sneakers will retail for $399.

  181 . Why was the notice written?
(A) To announce an advertising campaign
(B) To publicize a competition
(C) To launch a travel service
(D) To respond to customer feedback


  182 In the notice, the word“ view” in paragraph 1, line 3, is closest in meaning to
(A) share
(B) treasure
(C) observe
(D) regard


  183 What is indicated about Trecho Sportswear?
(A) Its headquarters are in London.
(B) Its products are only available online.
(C) It frequently holds competitions.
(D) It employs professional athletes.

  184 What is suggested about Judy Dumollard?
(A) She is an advertising agent.
(B) She won US$25,000.
(C) She works for Trecho.
(D) She was on the selection committee.


  185 What is indicated about Sprintel Sneakers?
(A) They are equipped with high-end technologies.
(B) They are Trecho Sportswear’s first sneakers.
(C) They were designed in Mauritius.
(D) They are recommended by professional athletes.


Questions 186-190 refer to the following notice, email, and comment form.

Central Asia Future Technology Expo
Where tomorrow meets today

Lecture Theater Activity Roster

Activity Details
The World at the Turn of the Century
Friday, 8 PM
Renowned futurist, Roy Hartwell, delivers a fascinating presentation on what the future holds for our great grandchildren.
The Dawn of the Drone
Saturday, 2 PM
With help from the audience, a team of 3D printing experts will design and create a fullyoperational drone right before your very eyes.
Coding Secrets for Tomorrow's Programmer
Saturday, 7 PM
Professor Ling from MIT will reveal 24 cuttingedge coding techniques to propel your programming and apps to the next level.
The World at the Turn of the Century
Sunday, 2 PM
An encore presentation by renowned futurist, Roy Hartwell.
Live Forever
Sunday, 7 PM
Charles Burton claims the technology that will enable humans to live forever almost exists. He will debate a panel of doctors. This discussion promises to become a lively debate.
Check online for further details about this exciting roster of activities: www.cafte.org


To: [Rhonda] rhondag@cafte.org
From: [Sabrina] sabrinawang@cafte.org
Date: Roy Hartwell may not be able to talk on Sunday
Subject: August 18

Hi Rhonda,

Roy Hartwell has just called to say that he probably won’t be able to make it on Sunday due to a schedule conflict. It is not a certainty, but as a contingency plan, I suggest organizing an audiovisual crew to film his talk on Friday night and play it on the theater’s screen on Sunday afternoon. I know that it is not the same as having him there, but it will be better than nothing.

Let me know what you think.



Central Asia Future Technology Expo
Where tomorrow meets today


I attended the expo with three colleagues. Having gone to the expo for the past five years running, we all agreed that the expo was the best one ever. This is despite the disappointment of not seeing Roy Hartwell in the flesh. However, Charles Burton gave such an amazing performance that it would have been almost too overwhelming to experience both speakers on the same day! Finally, I found out so much, and can’t wait to put into practice everything I learned at Professor Ling’s lecture.
Bill West
Number of Attendees:
Sept. 5
Dates visited:
Sat, Sept. 1
Sun, Sept. 2


 186 . When will an activity with audience participation take place?
(A) Friday, 8 PM
(B) Saturday, 2 PM
(C) Saturday, 7 PM
(D) Sunday, 7 PM

 187 What is the purpose of the email?
(A) To change the time of an activity
(B) To cancel a scheduled lecture
(C) To respond to a request for help
(D) To bring to light a potential problem


 188 What is implied about the expo?
(A) It is a free event.
(B) It is a recurring event.
(C) It is a one-shot event.
(D) It is an online event.


 189 What did Bill West say he learned?
(A) How to build a drone
(B) How to live forever
(C) Some programming techniques
(D) Why grandchildren are important


 190 What took place at 2 PM on Sunday?
(A) A video presentation
(B) A closing reception
(C) A debate session
(D) A live broadcast


 Questions 191-195 refer to the following invoice.

The Crystal Coast
The Jewel of Mount Morrison National Park

The Crystal Coast is what separates Mount Morrison National Park from other national parks. Located conveniently north of the tourist town of Prestwick, the Crystal Coast is endowed with a spectacular natural environment, making it the ultimate playground for tourists.
Morrison Bay Beach
The perfect spot for families to relax and soak up the sun. This beach has golden sand and safe, shallow water. Lifeguards patrol the beach in summer between 8 AM and 7 PM.
— 12 km from Prestwick
Byron Head Beach
Professional surfers from around the world say that Byron Head has some of the best waves anywhere on the
planet, although it can be crowded on weekends and throughout the summer.
— 30 km from Prestwick

Cape Montague
Excellent surf for experienced surfers only! However, submerged rocks make this location extremely dangerous for all but the most skilled surfers. Avoid the cliff face, and exercise caution at all
times! No parking available.
— 18 km from Prestwick
Bronwyn’s Inlet
BBQ and picnic areas, bicycle, kayak and canoe rental, as well as plenty of parking, are just some of the reasons
why this is the most popular spot on the Crystal Coast. The area can be crowded on weekends and throughout
the summer.
— 38 km from Prestwick



From: Max Holloway
To: Thom Lucas
Date: April 10
Subject: Surf Club

Hey Thom,

This message is to let you know that the surf club members agreed to head to Prestwick on the weekend. The surf report said there will be two-meter waves! There’s an amazing surfing spot about 20 kilometers from the town. Mind you, though, hardly anyone surfs there as it’s reasonably dangerous. BTW, we’ll be camping instead of staying in a hotel, so don’t bring anything too valuable—it could get stolen from your tent while we’re surfing.

Instead of taking three cars, we’ll hire a large van that’s big enough for everyone and our boards. I’ll pick you up at 6 AM on Saturday morning. See you then.




Due to flooding, there have been several rock falls on the Prestwick Highway. To avoid damage to vehicles, tourists traveling to any of the four resort areas are advised to take the Prestwick-Bronwyn’s Inlet shuttle bus, which departs every 15 minutes.

Mount Morrison National Park board of management

  191 . How far from Prestwick is the location that provides boating activities?
(A) 12 kilometers
(B) 18 kilometers
(C) 30 kilometers
(D) 38 kilometers


  192 In the email, the word“ reasonably” in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) fairly
(B) merrily
(C) unfortunately
(D) ironically


  193 What is indicated about the Crystal Coast?
(A) It has several towns.
(B) It is administered by a board of management.
(C) It is often criticized for handing out fines.
(D) It is only accessible during summer.


  194 What kind of transportation will the surf club members likely use once they arrive in Prestwick?
(A) A shuttle bus
(B) A large van
(C) A mountain bike
(D) Three cars


  195 Where will the surf club members likely surf?
(A) At Morrison Bay Beach
(B) At Cape Montague
(C) At Byron Head Beach
(D) At Bronwyn’s Inlet


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延伸閱讀 >> 【TOEIC 多益文法解惑室】第十二章 代名詞 常考的代名詞用法



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