最近熱門的國際新聞莫過於是奧運賽事,如果你有在關注這場夏季奧林匹克運動,或許會發現最近體育界的性別爭議風波鬧得沸沸揚揚。我國女拳王林郁婷(Lin Yu-Ting)與阿爾及利亞選手凱莉芙(Imane Khelif)因「性別爭議 (gender controversy)」而陷入輿論風暴。林郁婷在8月4日的八強賽中,以5比0戰勝保加利亞選手史塔湼娃(Staneva Svetlana Kamenova),順利晉級四強。然而,賽後Staneva以「雙X」手勢抗議,宣示自己擁有XX染色體 (X chromosomes) 以真女性暗示藉此諷刺林郁婷。想快速了解國際第一手消息? 幫大家整理幾個重要相關的議題精選單字。
scrutiny n. 詳細的檢查
e.g. The athletes underwent rigorous scrutiny to ensure their compliance with the rules.
baseless adj. 無根據的
e.g. The claims about the athletes’ eligibility were deemed baseless by the committee.
condemn vt. 責備,譴責
e.g. The organization condemned the unfair treatment of the athletes.
malicious adj. 惡意的
e.g. Malicious comments on social media fueled the controversy.
online abuse 網路霸凌
e.g. Online abuse directed at the athletes has been widely condemned.
personal attacks 人身攻擊
e.g. Personal attacks against the athletes were condemned by their supporters.
boxer n. 拳擊選手
e.g. The boxer’s performance was exceptional throughout the tournament.
clinch vt.成功獲得
e.g. She managed to clinch a medal despite the intense competition.
The athletes have been under a cloud due to the ongoing scrutiny of their eligibility.