Q :What are your short-term and long-termcareer goals?
A: Well, my immediate goal is to obtain a permanent position in an international company. I've always wanted to work in international business and practice my spoken English. I would then like to work up to a senior position, such as being a project team leader. Eventually, I'd like to manage an entiredivision, or even work abroad representing the company.
本問題主要是要了解你對於個人職涯是否有明確規劃。回答時除了要列出希望完成的事項,也要具體敘述作法,不要只丟出一句 “I want to be a manager.”(我想當經理。)這種沒有明確做法的答案。可參照下例:
My short-term goal is to work for a promising company which offers training programs and advancement opportunities for its staff. (我的短期目標是為一家前景看好、能提供訓練課程和升遷機會的公司工作。)
My long-term goals would be to enhance my problem solving and interpersonal skills while gaining additional experience in marketing. (我的長期目標是在加強解決問題的能力和人際技巧的同時,累積其他行銷相關經驗。)
當面試官問 " What are your short-term and long-termcareer goals? "回答時, 短期目標應該具體,與應聘的職位和公司相關,表明你希望快速上手並產生影響。 長期目標應該展示你對公司的承諾和願景,表明你希望在公司內部成長和發展。
*Why do you change your jobs so often? 你為何經常換工作? *What are you expecting from this job? 你期待從這份工作當中獲得什麼? *Do you see any important trends in our industry? 你在我們這個產業裡有看見任何重要趨勢嗎? *Why did you leave your last job? 你上一個工作的離職原因為何? *How has your education prepared you for the job? 你所受的教育跟這份工作有何關連? 這些基本問題你都會回答嗎? 該怎麼回答才有加分效果,而不是讓雇主臉上多出三條線? 本書教你以最簡潔道地的英文,做出最得體的應對,前進外商不再是夢!