Q : Do you see any important trends in our industry?
A: In terms of today's unstableeconomic climate, I think people require fashion that is either high quality or highly affordable. People are willing to invest in quality clothing that will last, or they want cheap, throwaway items. It is mid-price fashion brands that I think will suffer most in the foreseeable future, and I think that competition between clothing brands is going to be fierce.
The biggest challenge I see in 行業 is... (在⋯這行我看到的最大挑戰是⋯)
e.g. The biggest challenge I see in tourism is the changes of consumers' behavior. The advent of the Internet has changed many things. Among them is the fact that, when you want to make a trip, you can buy your tickets on-line without going to a travel agency. (我在旅遊業所看到最大的挑戰是消費者消費行為的改變。網路的到來改變了許多事。其中一件事實便是,當你如今想旅行時,可在網路上購票,不必再去旅行社了。)
Given... 鑒於⋯⋯ (= In view of...)
e.g. Given the current economic conditions, consumers are looking for different ways to save money. (有鑒於目前經濟情況,消費者正尋求各種省錢的辦法。)
當面試官問 "Do you see any important trends in our industry?"回答時,
*Why do you change your jobs so often? 你為何經常換工作? *What are you expecting from this job? 你期待從這份工作當中獲得什麼? *Do you see any important trends in our industry? 你在我們這個產業裡有看見任何重要趨勢嗎? *Why did you leave your last job? 你上一個工作的離職原因為何? *How has your education prepared you for the job? 你所受的教育跟這份工作有何關連? 這些基本問題你都會回答嗎? 該怎麼回答才有加分效果,而不是讓雇主臉上多出三條線? 本書教你以最簡潔道地的英文,做出最得體的應對,前進外商不再是夢!