1. 反身代名詞(myself、himself、yourself、themselves、yourselves、ourselves)的用法
a. 句中主詞與受詞同指一人時
例: I hurt myself when lifting the heavy box.
I was shocked when I learned that the famous singer shot himself this morning.
(獲知今晨這位知名的歌手開槍自戕時我大感震驚。)b. 介詞之受詞與句中主詞同指一人時
例: Why is that girl talking to(介) herself?
John did the work all by(介) himself.
(約翰獨自一人做那份工作。)c. 強調主詞時
例: Don't you worry. I'll handle the problem myself.
= Don't you worry. I myself will handle the problem.
I wonder if you could lend me $200 to tide me over until payday.
我想知道你是否可借我 200 美元,讓我撐到發薪水的那一天。