to tell (you) the truth → 坦白(跟你)說
to be frank / honest (with you) → 老實(跟你)說
to make matters worse → 更糟的是
to make / cut a long story short → 長話短說好了
to return to the subject → 言歸正傳
to begin with → 首先
to top it all → 更有甚者
to do sb justice → 為某人說句公道話
to coin a phrase → 套句俗話說
to say the least → 說最輕微的
sad / strange to say → 說來悲哀∕奇怪
not to mention → 更不必提……
= not to speak of
= to say nothing of
= let alone
to sum up → 總而言之
to define it → 要是給它下個定義
To play tennis well, the racket must be held properly. (× )
→To play tennis well, you must hold the racket properly. (✓ )
To begin with, the racket must be held property. (✓ )
To tell you the truth, my car has been towed away.
Work, to define it, is what we have to do.
1. You should keep that guy at a distance. He has sticky fingers, to say the _______.
(A) little (B) less (C) least (D) last
2. We can't afford to buy a small house, _______ a mansion like that.
(A) not to say (B) not to talk (C) not to speak (D) let alone
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