圖片來源:Ken Wolter / Shutterstock.com
文章主講 Karen, Wesley
Last year, Amazon began trials for its Amazon One payment scanner, which works by reading a person’s palm. 去年,亞馬遜開始對其 Amazon One 付款掃描儀進行測試,該掃描儀可以讀取人的手掌。
The biometric system scans the vein patterns of a person’s hand, which are unique, like a fingerprint. 這個生物識別系統掃描人手上的靜脈紋絡,它就像指紋一樣是獨一無二的。
Amazon indicated that it chose palm identification because it was more private than facial recognition. 亞馬遜表示,選擇手掌識別是因為它比臉部識別更具隱私性。
Another reason for the decision was that the sensors work at a distance and don’t require touching the scanner; a person merely has to wave their hand over the device. 做出此決定的另一個原因是,感應器可以隔著距離感應,不需要觸碰掃描儀;人們只需要在裝置上方揮動手掌即可。
The product was tested at two Amazon Go shops in Seattle, and at the time, Amazon said it was in talks with companies that were interested in introducing the technology to their businesses. 該產品已在西雅圖的兩家 Amazon Go 商店進行測試,當時亞馬遜表示,他們正在與有興趣引入該技術的公司進行洽談。
In October 2020, a person in a jetpack was spotted in the vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). 2020 年十月,在洛杉磯國際機場附近發現了一個揹著噴射背包的人。
A China Airlines crew reported to the aviation authorities that they had spotted a person, apparently wearing a jetpack, at an altitude of 6,000 feet a few miles from the airport. 一組中華航空的機組人員向航空當局報告說,他們在距機場幾英里的六千英尺上空發現了一個似乎揹著噴射背包的人。
This was the second incident in as many months around LAX. 這是洛杉磯國際機場過去兩個月以來的第二起事件。
The prior month, on September 1, an American Airlines flight saw a person at 3,000 feet who was approximately 300 yards from the aircraft. 上個月在九月一日,一架美國航空班機在三千英尺的空中、距離飛機約三百碼處看見一個人。
In audio recorded at the time of the first sighting, air traffic control can be heard offering what may be the most unexpected warning to an incoming plane: “use caution... person on a jetpack reported 300 yards south.” 初次目睹時錄下的音檔中可以聽到空中交通管制的聲音,這可能是對即將飛進來的飛機最出乎意料的警告:「小心……據報南方三百碼處有一個揹著噴射背包的人。」
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There are several banks in the vicinity of the railroad station.