
照過來!最迷人的歐洲鐵道旅行 2021 Sees the Return of Some of Europe’s Most Famous Train Journeys

在 2020 年末及 2021 年初,一些歐洲最浪漫的鐵道旅行回歸了。以下介紹我們精選出的幾條路線。
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文章主講 Angela, Wesley

In 2020, because of the coronavirus pandemic, many train services throughout Europe were halted. Thankfully, late 2020 and early 2021 saw the return of some of Europe’s most romantic train journeys. Below, we introduce a select few.

1. Berlin to Kraków

Since December 13, 2020, passengers have once again been able to make the trip from Germany’s historic capital to Kraków, one of Poland’s most popular tourist attractions. The journey’s name, the “Wawel” is shared with that of Wawel Royal Castle, a castle perched on top of a small hill in Kraków. This journey leaves daily from Berlin and takes around seven hours.

2. Zurich to Munich

Also in December 2020, Swiss rail service SBB brought back its Zurich-Munich service. Although this journey takes just four hours, it takes passengers through three countries, passing through Austria before eventually reaching its destination in Germany.

3. Prague to Przemyśl

In recent years, the small city of Przemyśl in southeastern Poland has forged a number of rail connections with major European cities. Upon arriving in Przemyśl, travelers can see the city’s train station, famous for its ornate beauty.

4. Basel to Locarno

In 2016, the Gotthard Base Tunnel was opened to cut rail journey times through the Swiss Alps. However, although efficient, traveling through this tunnel means missing some of Switzerland’s best mountain views. Fortunately, travelers can now once again enjoy the country’s classic picturesque Gotthard route from Basel to Locarno, linking Switzerland’s major northern cities with the country’s southernmost canton of Ticino. And the scenery won’t leave anyone disappointed.

We are all hoping that 2021 will be the year when the world emerges from the despair of the pandemic. For those itching to resume their international travels, Europe’s vast rail network offers some of the world’s most unforgettable journeys. Let’s hope we can all get back on the road—or rather, the rail—very soon.

1. Where is this passage most likely to be found?
(A) During a train service announcement.
(B) In a science and engineering journal.
(C) On a school bulletin board.
(D) In a travel magazine.

2. Why did many train services throughout Europe NOT operate in 2020?

3. Which word from the descriptions of the four train journeys refers to the place someone is traveling to?

4. Nina and Janice are exchange students in Europe. They separately traveled during the summer and shared their journeys on social media. Which route did they most likely take?



照過來!最迷人的歐洲鐵道旅行 2021 Sees the Return of Some of Europe’s Most Famous Train Journeys
route: ___ⓐ___

照過來!最迷人的歐洲鐵道旅行 2021 Sees the Return of Some of Europe’s Most Famous Train Journeys
route: ___ⓑ___


  1. D
  2. due to the coronavirus pandemic
  3. destination
  4. ⓐ Basel to Locarno
    ⓑ Berlin to Kraków
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Mark Darvill
Mark Darvill
Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions drown your inner voice.