
好想咬一口!宜蘭夢幻抹茶山 A Hike with Matcha and Religion

#臺灣 #休閒旅遊
10/26 解析英語




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好想咬一口!宜蘭夢幻抹茶山 A Hike with Matcha and Religion
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文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

In Yilan, there is a mountain with many names. Perhaps you’ve heard of Sacred Mother Peak, St. Marian Trail, or Mt. Shenmu. Maybe you know of it by its most recent name: Matcha Mountain. This moniker was introduced by an Instagramer for the appearance of the surrounding hills that look like scoops of matcha ice cream. While the top may offer views of frozen mounds of matcha, the trail to the top has some unusual sites not found on most hikes.

宜蘭有一座擁有許多名稱的山。或許你曾聽過聖母峰、聖母步道或聖母山。或許,你知道的是它最近的名字:抹茶山。這個綽號是一名 Instagramer 起的,因為周圍的山丘外表看起來像是一球球抹茶冰淇淋。山頂或許提供了抹茶冰球的景象,而通往山頂的步道也有一些大部分健行路途上所沒有的獨特景點。

sacred [ ˈsekrɪd ] a. 神聖的  
moniker [ ˈmɑnɪkɚ ] n. 綽號
scoop [ skup ] n. 一勺(食物)  
mound [ maʊnd ] n. 堆

好想咬一口!宜蘭夢幻抹茶山 A Hike with Matcha and Religion

The name of the trail, St. Marian, hints at the spot’s Catholic connection. One route to the top takes you by a newly built Catholic church that honors the Virgin Mary. There are plaques depicting the Stations of the Cross—which chronicle the crucifixion of Jesus—along the trail, plus a statue of Jesus at the viewing platform. There’s also the Sacred Mary Hut, which is tended to by a group of nuns.

步道的名稱 ── 聖母 ── 暗示了這個地點與天主教的關聯。其中一條通往山頂的路線會帶你到一座紀念聖母瑪利亞的新建天主教教堂。步道沿途還有描繪著苦路(編按:苦路是指天主教模仿耶穌在耶路撒冷被釘上十字架過程重現的一種宗教活動,又稱為「拜苦路」或「聖路善工」)的牌匾(其按時序記載了耶穌被釘上十字架的過程),在觀景平臺上還有一座耶穌像。那裡還有一座聖母山莊,是由一群修女照料的。

  • St. 放在專有名詞前,表示聖人 saint,若放在專有名詞的後面,則表示街道 street(音檔08:34-12:35)
plaque [ plæk ] n. 匾
chronicle [ ˈkrɑnɪkl̩ ] vt. 按時序記載
crucifixion [ ˌkrusəˈfɪkʃən ] n. (耶穌)被釘死在十字架上

「新朋友獨享~3個月打造英語耳」樂讀方案,小量訂閱常春藤解析英語雜誌 3 期>>


If you can’t wait to scramble to the top and grab that perfect picture for the ‘gram, you should be prepared. The hike isn’t a challenging one thanks to stairs that lead to the top. However, there are nearly six kilometers of steps, so it will be extremely tiring. You’ll want to be wearing some decent sneakers. For those feeling a bit more adventurous, rather than finishing at the viewing platform, you can head up to Sanjiaolun Peak, though this section is much steeper and doesn’t have stairs. Whatever you choose to do, expect a pretty full day of hiking and be sure to bring plenty of food and water.

如果你等不及要衝上山頂、拍下要放上 Instagram 的完美照片,那你必須先做好準備。多虧了通往山頂的階梯,在這座山健行並不是太困難的挑戰。不過那裡的階梯有將近六公里長,所以會是極度累人的。你會需要一雙像樣的球鞋。對那些想要更多一點冒險的人,別停在觀景平臺就結束,你可以繼續往上到三角崙山,不過這個區域要陡得多,而且也沒有階梯。不管你選擇哪一個路線,期待會有將近一整天的健行路程吧,也別忘了攜帶充足的食物和飲用水。

adventurous [ ədˈvɛntʃərəs ] a. 冒險的
steep [ stip ] a. 陡峭的




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Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy
Your Attitude determine your direction.