文章主講 Karen, Wesley
In November 2020, Virgin Hyperloop held the first passenger trials on its high speed vacuum tube transport pods. The transportation system uses magnetic levitation, or maglev, train technology. However, instead of a train track, the system uses a vacuum tube which allows for higher speeds. The fastest maglev train was clocked at 374 miles per hour in a test in Japan in 2015. In comparison, the Virgin Hyperloop is expected to reach speeds of higher than 600 mph.
2020 年十一月,維珍超迴路列車(又稱超級高鐵)在其高速真空管運輸艙上進行了首次載客試運。該運輸系統使用磁浮(亦可寫作 maglev)列車技術。然而,該系統使用真空管代替火車軌道,使其可以更高速。在 2015 年日本的一項測試中,最快的磁浮列車時速達到每小時三百七十四英里。相比之下,維珍超級高鐵的速度預計會達到每小時六百英里以上。
Sara Luchian, the company’s director of customer experience, and Josh Giegel, the chief technology officer, were chosen for the first ride and traveled in a pod on a 500-meter test track located in the US state of Nevada. The pod reached speeds of 107 mph and traveled the length of the tube in 15 seconds. Luchian reported that the ride was smooth and that neither of the passengers felt sick by the sudden acceleration or speed.
Photo by slon_dot_pics from Pexels
Rob Lloyd, who previously worked for the company when it was called Virgin Hyperloop One, said in a 2018 interview that the transport system would theoretically allow people to travel the 45 miles between London’s Gatwick and Heathrow airports in a mere four minutes. It has also been suggested that the Virgin Hyperloop could replace current modes of transport between Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In theory, the new technology would cut the travel time between the two countries to 12 minutes.
在維珍超級高鐵名為維珍超級高鐵一號時,羅博.洛依德曾在該公司工作,他在 2018 年的一次受訪中表示,理論上來說,該運輸系統將使人們僅需四分鐘就可以完成倫敦蓋威克機場到希思羅機場間四十五英里的旅程。也有人提議,維珍超級高鐵可以取代目前杜拜和阿布達比之間的運輸方式。理論上,這個新科技會將兩國間的旅行時間縮短至十二分鐘。
While Virgin Hyperloop was proud to announce the successful test as a sign that the concept is actually feasible, others are less certain. Any system would involve hundreds of miles of tubes to be constructed, and some have questioned the logistics of this undertaking.
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