
解析 文法【時態&語態】

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解析 文法【時態&語態】
>> 【英文整聊室】#03 「儘管、雖然」的用法

enlightened時態 基本時態共有三種,即現在式、過去式及未來式;而每一種基本時態又可加上簡單式、完成式、進行 式及完成進行式,可組合成共十二種時態,列表如下:

  現在 過去 未來

She watches TV.

She watched TV. She will watch TV.
完成式 She has watched TV.   She had watched TV. She will have watched TV. 
進行式 She is watching TV. She was watching TV. She will be watching TV.
完成進行式 She has been watching TV.     She had been watching TV. She will have been watching TV. 


  1. 使用現在簡單式(主詞 + 現在式動詞)的時機 


a. 表知覺、狀態、所有:I smell something burning.(我聞到東西燒焦的味道。)

b. 表習慣性的動作:He always takes a bus to school.(他總是搭公車去上學。)

c. 表真理、事實、格言:The sun rises in the east.(太陽從東方升起。)

d. 表未來:begin、start、arrive、leave、come、go 等動詞可用現在簡單式表未來。 The meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.(會議早上十點開始。)

  1. 使用過去簡單式(主詞 + 過去式動詞)的時機
    a. 表過去的動作、習慣、狀態:I saw him yesterday.(我昨天看到他。)

b. 表過去的經驗(亦可用現在完成式表示):
Did you ever see her before? / Have you ever seen her before?(你以前見過她嗎?)

c. 句中若有 after、until、before 等連接詞引導的子句,由於時間先後清楚,可用過去式代替過去完成式。 After I (had) finished the work, I went home.(我做完工作之後就回家了。)

  1. 使用未來簡單式(主詞 + will + 原形動詞)的時機:表未來發生的動作或狀態。 It will rain tomorrow.(明天會下雨。)
  2. 使用現在完成式(主詞 + have / has + 過去分詞)的時機
    a. 表示到現在為止完成的動作:He has gone to New York.(他已經到紐約去了。)

b. 表示到現在為止的經驗:I have met him several times.(我見過他幾次。) c. 表示到現在為止仍在繼續的動作或狀態:

She has lived here for 10 years.(她已經在這裡住十年了。── 她仍然住在這裡)

  1. 使用過去完成式(主詞 + had + 過去分詞)的時機:表示截至過去某時為止所完成的動作或經驗。 過去完成式不能單獨存在,要與另一過去式子句或表過去之副詞片語連用,即在過去不同時間發生的兩種 動作。
    He told me that he had seen the movie twice.(他告訴我,這部電影他已看過兩次。)
  2. 使用未來完成式(主詞 + will have + 過去分詞)的時機:表示到未來某時為止所完成或仍在繼續的 動作或經驗等。
    He will have arrived in Chicago by this time tomorrow.(明天這個時候,他將已抵達芝加哥。)
  3. 使用現在進行式(主詞 + is / am / are + 現在分詞)的時機
    a. 表示現在正在做的動作:He is taking a trip now.(他現在正在旅遊。)
    b. 表示即將發生的動作,常與表未來的時間並用:He is coming tomorrow.(他將於明天前來。)
  4. 使用過去進行式(主詞 + was / were + 現在分詞)的時機
    a. 表過去某時正在進行的動作:He was having dinner then.(那時他正在吃晚餐。) b. 表過去即將發生的事:He was dying.(那時他快死了。)
  5. 使用未來進行式(主詞 + will be + 現在分詞)的時機:表示於未來某時將進行的動作。 He will be attending a meeting (at) this time tomorrow.(明天的這個時候,他將在開會。)
  6. 使用現在完成進行式(主詞 + have / has been + 現在分詞)的時機:表示一直持續到現在且仍將 繼續下去的動作。
    He has been teaching at this school since 2001.(他從 2001 年就一直在這個學校任教。)
  7. 使用過去完成進行式(主詞 + had been + 現在分詞)的時機:用以表示一直持續到過去某時,而當 時仍在繼續進行的動作。與過去完成式一樣,過去完成進行式不能單獨存在,須與過去式並用。
    I had been sleeping when he came.(他來的時候,我仍在睡覺。)
  8. 使用未來完成進行式(主詞 + will have been + 現在分詞)的時機:表一直持續到未來某時,而仍 將繼續進行的動作。
    I will have been teaching English for 10 years by the end of this year.(到今年底,我教英文將已十年。)



   主動語態:I did the work. → 被動語態:The work was done by me.


  主動語態 被動語態


現在 He does it.

過去 He did it.

未來 He will do it.

It is done by him.

It was done by him.

It will be done by him.


現在 He has done it.

過去 He had done it.

未來 He will have done it.

It has been done by him.

It had been done by him.

It will have been done by him.


現在 He is doing it.

過去 He was doing it.

未來 He will be doing it.

It is being done by him.

It was being done by him.




1. There’s a police car in front of our neighbor’s house. What do you think ______?
(A) happens (B) would had happened (C) has happened (D) was happening

2. Martin was late for the appointment because he ______ a wrong turn.
(A) is taking (B) had taken (C) would take (D) takes

3. 請將本句改為被動語態:My neighbor will take care of my cat while I am away. _________________________________________________________________________


答案:1.C  2.B. 3.My cat will be taken care of by my neighbor while I am away.

>> 【多益混淆字】on time / in time?教你記憶「準時還是及時」!

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