
解析 文法【否定結構】

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解析 文法【否定結構】
>> 【Collocations大集合】#48『lose your lunch money』其實不只是輸掉午餐錢!! 來學 lose 的 14 個搭配詞及俚語使用時機(全)



1. 部分否定

a. 表示整體含義的 every、both、all 和否定詞 not 並用時。
Not every kind of bird can fly.(並非每一種鳥類都能飛。)
You cannot have both of those.(你不能兩者兼得。)
Not all Americans are Christians.(並非所有美國人都是基督徒。)

every 的相關字如 everybody、everyone、everything、everywhere 在否定句中亦表「部分否定」。
You cannot please everybody.(你無法取悅每一個人。)

b. not always / necessarily...  未必總是/一定⋯⋯
The rich are not always happy.(有錢的人未必總是很快樂。)
Expensive things are not necessarily the best.(昂貴的東西不一定都是最好的。)
c. not absolutely / entirely / wholly / altogether / quite...  不(完)全⋯⋯
I'm not absolutely sure about this.(我對這件事情沒有完全把握。)
The news source is not entirely reliable.(這個消息來源不完全可靠。)
We do not fully understand what you mean.(我們不完全了解你的意思。)
Well, she's not altogether satisfied.(反正她沒有十分滿意。)

2. 全部否定

a. Neither / None... + 單/複數 V  兩/三者(以上)都不⋯⋯
Neither of them is / are willing to help.(他們兩位都不願意幫忙。)
None of my colleagues has / have agreed.(我的所有同事都不同意。)
b. not(...) at all  絕非⋯⋯;一點也不⋯⋯
= not(...) in the least(in 可省略)
My parents are not at all pleased with my exam results.(我父母對我的考試結果一點也不滿意。)
= My parents are not pleased with my exam results at all.
I’m not (in) the least surprised that she is reacting in such a way.(她會有這種反應我一點也不驚訝。)
c. no...  (絕)非/無⋯⋯
= not a(n)... (at all) / not any...
Your boss is no fool.(你的老闆絕非傻瓜。)
= Your boss is not a fool (at all).
I have no money with me.(我身上沒有帶錢。)
= I do not have any money with me.
d. absolutely no / nothing...  完全無/沒有⋯⋯
I have absolutely no idea how difficult the work is.(我完全不知道這項工作有多困難。)
She knew absolutely nothing about our secret.(她完全不知情我們的祕密。)

Absolutely not! 表達「強烈的否定」,只用於回答。
A: Can you lend me your car?(甲:你可以借我車嗎?)
B: Absolutely not!(乙:絕對不行!)

3. 雙重否定

a. can’t... without + N  沒有⋯⋯就不能⋯⋯
I can’t read without my glasses.(我沒有眼鏡就無法閱讀。)
b. never... without + V-ing  每次⋯⋯必然⋯⋯
Lucy never reads a sad story without crying.(露西每次看悲傷的故事就一定會哭。)
c. There is no... without...  沒有⋯⋯不⋯⋯(意即「所有的⋯⋯都⋯⋯」)
There is no rose without a thorn.(朵朵玫瑰皆有刺。)


每月解鎖 50 篇以上商用、會話、文法、寫作等考題練習及影音懶人包,
>> 解析文法【名詞與數量詞的關係】



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