
★ 扭出驚喜的購物經驗 Gasha Catch ’Em All

Gasha Catch ’Em All
#休閒旅遊 #遊戲
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★ 扭出驚喜的購物經驗 Gasha Catch ’Em All
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 休閒小站   電子報精選文章 

Bruce, Antony

日本的扭蛋機提供一種獨特的樂趣。 Japan’s gashapon machines provide a unique form of fun.

 Japan is a source for all things cute and worth collecting, and gashapon machines are a fun feature of Japanese shopping centers. Gashapon are a kind of vending machine. How do they work? First, you insert coins into them. Then, small toys in plastic containers will come out. The word gashapon sounds like the noises that the machines make. When you turn the handle, it sounds like gasha , and when the toy comes out, it sounds like pon.


plastic [ ˈplæstɪk ] a. 塑膠(製)的
handle [ ˈhændl̩ ] n. 把手,握柄

    The gashapon machines were invented by Ryuzo Shigeta in the 1960s. After he saw an American vending machine, he decided to improve the machines design. While the items in American vending machines are usually very cheap, Shigeta decided to offer high-quality items and protect them with plastic containers.

  扭蛋機是由重田龍三在 1960 年代發明的。他在看過美國的自動販賣機之後,決定改良機器的設計。美國的自動販賣機所賣的東西通常非常廉價,然而重田決定提供優質的商品並且以塑膠容器保護它們。

invent [ ɪnˈvɛnt ] vt. 發明
design [ dɪˈzaɪn ] n. 設計
high-quality [ ˈhaɪˌkwɑlətɪ ] a. 優質的,高品質的


    When you use a gashapon machine, you cannot pick which toy you will get. This adds an element of luck and chance to the experience. Many of these machines offer toys that are desired by anime fans, and some of them become valuable collectors items. There are more than 360,000 gashapon machines in Japan, and new products are released every month. With just a few coins, anyone can take part in this fun shopping experience.


desire [ dɪˈzaɪr ] vt. 渴望,想要
release [ rɪˈlis ] vt. 發行,發表
take part in...  參與⋯⋯


surprise 上千臺扭蛋機之家 ―― 東京扭蛋旗艦店
2021 年 2 月 26 號,日本品牌「GASHAPON」在東京池袋開設了一家旗艦店。店內總共有三千臺扭蛋機,內容從一般的動漫公仔到生活用品如托特包都一應俱全,有些扭蛋機裡的公仔甚至要價八百日幣呢!在 3 月 18 日,這家旗艦店也受到金氏世界紀錄認可為世界上具有最多扭蛋機的商店。


延伸學習|sound like... 的用法

  1. 本文中的 sound(聽起來)是「感官動詞」,之後加上介詞 like 後,方可再接名詞。
    sound like + 名詞  聽起來像……
    The little girl’s laughter sounds like bells.
  2. sound 之後也可接形容詞作主詞補語。
    sound + 形容詞  聽起來……
    Charlie sounded very upset when we spoke on the phone yesterday. 
  3. 此類感官動詞除 sound 之外,還有以下四個,用法與 sound 相同:
    look 看起來 smell 聞起來
    taste 嚐起來 feel 感覺起來
    The boy looked like a little bear in his pajamas. 


You Can Do This    英文試金石

  1. Alice bought the watch because she liked its cool and stylish (degree / design / decision).
  2. Elliot finally bought the video game he had (desired / stored / shared) for so long.
  3. This brand is praised for their (mid-range / low-effort / high-quality) products.


  1. design
  2. desired
  3. high-quality



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