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Stephen, Minnie
A Mango-Shaped Space is a young adult novel written by Wendy Mass that was published in 2003. The story follows the unique journey of Mia Winchell, who struggles with synesthesia. To someone with synesthesia, words and sounds can have a color or taste. Also, a number might create a certain sound. Synesthesia can entirely change how people experience the world.
《 芒果貓》是由溫蒂‧梅斯所著作、於 2003 年發行的青年小說。故事敘述著米雅‧溫契爾與「聯覺」掙扎共處的獨特歷程。對聯覺人而言,文字及聲音可以帶有色彩及味道。一個數字也可能產生某種聲音。聯覺能徹底改變人們體驗世界的方式。
圖片轉引自 https://reurl.cc/9El4YX
In the third grade, Mia discovers that her synesthesia sets her apart. When her classmates make fun of her for her condition, she decides to hide it from everyone, including her family. She manages to do well in school, except math and Spanish. Those classes are difficult because she gets distracted by the colors which she associates with numbers and Spanish words.
圖片轉引自 https://reurl.cc/9El4YX
Mia faces many challenges in her life. However, an adopted cat named Mango helps her deal with her difficulties. Mango gets his name because he often makes a strange noise, which gives off a color that reminds Mia of mangoes. Later in the novel, after Mango tragically dies, the colors Mia experiences slowly start to disappear. Strangely, Mia finds that she misses them and wants them to return.
➸ 這些名人作家也是貓奴!英文名句帶你看今古不變的人貓情❤️
➸ 有你的人生真美「喵」 For the Love of Bob
➸ 招財貓,招來財富與幸福 The Cat that Beckons
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