
妙手回春的傳統技藝 Hands-On Health

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妙手回春的傳統技藝 Hands-On Health
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A Taiwanese foot massage is a great way to stay happy and healthy. 臺灣的腳底按摩是個保持愉悅及維持健康的好方法。

Hands-On Health  妙手回春的傳統技藝

Foot massages are very common all over Taiwan, and there are different techniques to be found in every parlor. A foot massage is a soothing activity to end an exhausting day, but it can also make significant contributions to a person’s overall wellness. Some massage parlors are more for relaxation, while others focus more on their customers’ health.


soothing [ ˈsuðɪŋ ] a. 撫慰的,舒緩的
make contributions / a contribution to...  為……做出貢獻
contribution [ ˌkɑntrəˈbjuʃən ] n. 貢獻
wellness [ ˈwɛlnɪs ] n. 健康

Hands-On Health  妙手回春的傳統技藝

Traditionally, it is believed that the nerve endings in the hands and feet are connected to all of the internal organs of the body. In addition, energy is thought to be able to travel between them through “qi pathways.” The system based on these ideas is called reflexology. The feet are like a map of the entire body, and by applying pressure to different points, a massage therapist can identify and heal certain problems.


a nerve ending [ ˌnɝv ˈɛndɪŋ ]  神經末稍
pathway [ ˈpæθˌwe ] n. 通道
reflexology [ ˌriflɛkˈsɑlədʒɪ ] n.(按摩腳部以鬆弛神經的)反射療法

In Chinese culture, qi is the source of life and energy. This qi can be either positive or negative. The goal of reflexology is to detect problems while harmful energy is still at a slight level before it develops into a physical problem. This way, illnesses can be prevented.


Hands-On Health  妙手回春的傳統技藝

Taiwan has some of the best massage parlors in the world. So when you feel worn out after a long day and need a way to take the load off, try a foot massage from a specialist! It’s definitely a great way to relax.


feel / be worn out  感到筋疲力盡
take a / the load off  卸下壓力∕負擔
specialist [ ˈspɛʃəlɪst ] n. 專家



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