
問題產品 火速召回 Recalling a Defective Product 

Recalling a Defective Product 
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問題產品 火速召回 Recalling a Defective Product 
如果有人帶音響來退貨,我們必須全額退費。不過如 果客人選擇換成其他商品的話,公司會額外給他們五十塊美 金的抵用金。
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Dialogue A

T: Travis   S: Sophia

Two coworkers are having a conversation in a retail store.

T: Hey Sophia, how is work going today?

S: Not good. There was an announcement from corporate headquarters. Some of the new Big Boss Stereo products have been found to be defective.

T: Seriously? Which ones? There are a bunch of Big Boss products that just hit the market.

S: Yeah, I heard from the lady who called that everyone at the main office is freaking out because of the problem. They have already recalled the home stereo systems.

T: Oh, that’s bad news. I was thinking of buying one with my employee discount.

S: Yeah, I would hold off on that purchase.

T: I agree, but what about the ones we’ve already sold over the past week?

S: The company made the announcement this morning. So, if a customer registered their product’s warranty, they will be informed by email today.

T: Most people will probably hear the news eventually.

S: Yeah, if anyone brings the stereo back, we have to give them a full refund. However, the company is offering an extra US$50 in store credit if customers opt to exchange it for other products instead.

T: That’s probably a good idea.

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