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太空旅館預計於 2027 年前開幕 / 不純 OUT!臺灣推巧克力品名新制
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      The first hotel outside Earth's atmosphere plans to open its doors by the end of the decade. The Orbital Assembly Corporation (OAC) aims to begin construction on the Voyager Station in 2025, with the goal of opening the hotel to guests in 2027. The hotel has been designed as a large wheel. According to reports, the motion of the wheel will be used to create gravity at the edges of the circular hotel, where guest rooms will be located. In the center of the hotel, gravity will be much lower.

  The OAC hopes to offer most of the amenities found on a luxury cruise liner, but from Earth's orbit. The hotel will be able to accommodate up to 400 people at a time. However, it won’t be convenient to access as tourists will be required to undergo some training before they take off. Planners also expect that a three-night stay will cost guests about US$5 million. So, if you really want to visit, you'd better start saving now.


  首座外太空旅館計劃在 2020 至 2030 這十年的尾聲前開張。Orbital Assembly Corporation 公司(簡稱 OAC)打算在2025 年動工興建太空旅館 Voyager Station,目標是在 2027 年對外開放入住。這間旅館為輪形設計。根據報導,運用輪形的轉動能對環狀旅館的邊際產生重力,也就是客房所在的位置。


  OAC 希望提供在豪華郵輪上能享用的大部分設施,與郵輪的差別在於是繞著地球航行。這間旅館預計一次能容納多達四百人。不過旅客要啟程前必須接受特定的訓練,所以要入住並非易事。策劃者也表示三晚的住宿預計要價約五百萬美金。

焦點話題 NEWS

       The Food and Drug Administration in Taiwan announced that regulations regarding products labeled as chocolate will be revised starting January 1, 2022. The new regulations will apply to chocolate products that contain fillings5 in particular. Until now, many products labeled “chocolate” consisted of very little genuine cocoa. Under the new regulations, products with a minimal amount of real cocoa will not be permitted to include “chocolate” on the label.

   The new “Regulations on the Name and Labeling of Chocolate” require that a product’s total ingredients be at least 25% chocolate and words such as “filling” or “processing” be clearly labeled. Further, vegetable oil content cannot exceed 5% of a product’s total weight. The revisions were made as the original standards set in 2016 were not comprehensive. Starting in 2022, many of the products currently labeled “chocolate” will likely be rebranded as “cocoa-flavored” or something similar.


 臺灣食藥署宣布,標示為巧克力產品的相關規定將於2022 年元旦起修訂。新的規定將特別針對含餡的巧克力產品。目前市面上許多標示「巧克力」的產品,純可可含量極少。在新制之下,純可可含量太少的產品在標籤品名上不得包含「巧克力」的字樣。

  新修訂的《巧克力之品名及標示規定》要求產品其巧克力含量至少須達百分之二十五,且須明確標示「含餡」或「加工」等字樣。此外,植物油的含量不可超過產品總重的百分之五。這幾項修訂是因為原本在 2016 年制定的標準不夠完善。從 2022 年起,許多現在標示「巧克力」的產品可能會改標示「可可風味」或其他類似的名稱。

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