
公車迷途記 Getting on the Wrong Bus

Getting on the Wrong Bus
#社交人際 #休閒旅遊 #娛樂·新奇
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公車迷途記 Getting on the Wrong Bus
>> 【英文感謝用語大全】從「表達感謝」到「回覆感謝」一次學會!


Mina is going to meet her friend Dave. He is curious about  where she is at the moment.

D: Hi, Mina, are you almost here?

M: Yeah, I suppose. I’ve been on the bus for roughly 30 minutes.

D: Cool. I’m looking forward to seeing you! Do you know where you are now?

M: It beats me. There are lots of trees along the way; I think we just left the city.

D: I don’t live that far from downtown. Are you positive you’re on the right bus?

M: I think so. I got on the 590 bus. Hold on, there is a stop coming up.

(The driver calls out “Grand Memorial Park” as he makes a stop.)

M: I’m at Grand Memorial Park.

D: Oh, no. That’s on the north side of the city. I actually live on the south side.

M: What? You’re kidding, right?

D: No, I’m afraid you’re heading in the wrong direction.

M: What should I do?

D: That bus makes a loop through the city, so you can ride it all the way around. But you’ll get here faster if you transfer to another bus.

M: OK, I’ll try to catch a southbound bus at the next stop. Sorry I’m running so late.

D: Don’t worry about it. Talk to you soon.

戴 夫: 嗨,米娜,妳快到我這了嗎?
米 娜: 應該是吧,我想。我上公車大概有三十分鐘之久了。
戴 夫: 太棒了。我好期待見到妳喔!妳知道自己現在身在何處嗎?
米 娜: 你把我問倒了。沿途有好多樹;我覺得我們這輛巴士才剛離開市區。
戴 夫: 我家離市區沒那麼遠。妳確定妳有搭對巴士?
米 娜: 應該是吧。我搭上 590 公車。等等,接近站牌了。
( 公車駕駛停車時喊出「紀念公園站」。)
米 娜: 我在紀念公園。
戴 夫: 不是吧。那可是在市區的北邊。我其實是住在南側。
米 娜: 什麼?你在跟我開玩笑對吧?
戴 夫: 並沒有,恐怕妳搭錯方向了。
米 娜: 那我該怎麼辦呢?
戴 夫: 那輛公車會環繞這座城市開,所以妳一路搭到底就是了。但要是妳轉乘別輛巴士就會更快到我這兒。
米 娜: 好,我會試著下一站改搭往南的公車。抱歉我拖到這麼晚。
戴 夫: 別擔心。見面聊。

>> 替別人加油打氣,千萬別再說 You’re tired 啦,來學「辛苦了! 」英文該怎麼說!

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