健康百科|✦ 訂閱 IVY Engrest 即享本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Bruce & Bernice 老師)
Cuddle a few minutes a day might keep the doctor away.
When was the last time you cuddled? Maybe it was with your parent, child, friend, or loved one. Whatever the case may be, cuddling is good for you, and science has proven it. When you cuddle with someone, your body releases a specific hormone. It can help you calm down, ease stress, and even heal from pain and sickness more quickly. Therefore, it is worthwhile to spend at least 10 minutes cuddling every day.
Studies have shown that cuddling can also help lower your blood pressure, fight colds, and help you fall asleep more easily. Cuddling is good for babies and parents alike. Not only does it let parents bond with an infant, but it can also make babies cry less. Another advantage of cuddling is that it can help babies’ brains grow.
Calm down, honey. There’s no need to worry.
It’s hard for Jim to bond with his co-workers.
There is nothing like an ice cream on a hot summer evening.