In May, hundreds of domestic COVID-19 cases were reported in Taiwan. The sharp rise in local transmissions led the CECC to raise the alert to level 3 for all of Taiwan.
In mid-March, India began seeing a rapid rise in COVID-19 infection rates, marking the start of a second wave that made India one of the worst affected countries at the time. By the end of April, India was reporting more than 400,000 recorded daily cases. Amid this second wave of infections, doctors reported a number of cases of patients with a rare fungal infection.
Referred to as “black fungus,” the infection was found in recovering or recovered COVID-19 patients. The infection affects the sinuses, brain, and lungs, and physicians believe that it may have been triggered by steroid treatments. In mid-May, the World Health Organization expressed concern about the B.1.617 variant in India and reported that it had been found in 44 countries across the globe.
這種稱為「黑真菌」的感染是在康復中或已康復的新冠肺炎患者身上發現的。這種感染會影響鼻竇、腦部與肺部,醫生認為這可能是由類固醇治療所引起。五月中旬,世界衛生組織表示印度的 B.1.617 變種病毒令人擔憂,並公布全球已有四十四國發現了這種病毒。(取材自《常春藤解析英語》)