schedule n. 時間表;行程 & vt. 排定
【on schedule 按照進度】
I am convinced that John can finish the project on schedule.
我相信約翰會如期完成這項計劃。【ahead of schedule 進度超前】
John completed the project ahead of schedule.
約翰提前將專案完成。【behind schedule 進度落後】
Our project has fallen behind schedule.
我們的專案計畫進度落後。We have to make it quick; we are behind schedule now.
主管或是資深前輩一定會時不時下馬威督促進度,英文就是 crack the whip。
crack the whip 在字面意思上看來是甩起鞭子,發出霹靂啪啦的聲音,就延伸為上位者對下位者施壓,督促對方前進。
whip 是「鞭子」,crack 是「發出霹靂啪啦的聲音」。像有時候我們假裝要打人,會把手指關節用的霹啪響,也是用這個字 crack。
- The manager has started to crack the whip because the progress has been very slow for the past two months.
入會及綁定LINE再享100元折價券 →
Sean booked the hotel six months in advance.
尚恩提前 6 個月訂飯店。
Greg, is the product launch still on schedule?
I’m glad that we finished the work ahead of schedule.
We've already slipped behind schedule because we're shorthanded.
= We've already fallen behind schedule because we're shorthanded.