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圖片來源:端傳媒 / 攝:Toby Melville / Reuters
圖片來源:BBC News
The show was broadcast live. 這個節目現場播出。
I listen to the news broadcast every morning. 我每天早上收聽新聞廣播。
Please come visit our store at its new location. 請到我們店的新址參觀。
Finding the location of the escaped prisoner was difficult. 要找到這名逃犯的藏身處還真不容易。
When is the check-in time for the flight? 這班飛機是什麼時候開始受理登機手續?
A high fever, a sore throat, and a runny nose are all symptoms of the flu. 發高燒、喉嚨痛以及流鼻水都是流行性感冒的症狀。
The tape recorder is a user-friendly machine. 這臺錄音機是臺很容易使用的機器。
Clare lives in isolation like Robinson Crusoe. 克蕾兒像魯賓遜•克魯索一樣地離群索居。
Can you give me a piece of advice? 你可以給我一個建議嗎?
Can you give me a suggestion? 你可以給我一個建議嗎?
If you break the rules, you will be punished. 你如果違反規則就會被處罰。
The king has ruled this kingdom for forty years. 國王統治這個國家 40 年了。
Taiwan was under Japanese rule for fifty years. 臺灣被日本統治過 50 年。
My father makes it a rule to get up early. 我爸爸有早起的習慣。
As a rule, I get up at eight in the morning. 通常我都是早上 8 點起床。
People diagnosed with the disease were quarantined. 這種疾病的患者遭到隔離。
Where did you stay while you were in Paris? 你在巴黎時住哪?
Jayden visited a lot of places during his stay in Kyoto. 傑登在京都停留的期間造訪了許多地方。
To stay healthy, you should exercise regularly. 要保持健康,你就應規律運動。
Last night, I stayed up until one. 我昨晚熬夜到 1 點。
Stay away from Owen. He’s a bad guy. 離歐文遠一點,他不是善類。
Many people believe electric vehicles are here to stay. 許多人認為電動車已成為潮流。
The doctor will monitor the patient for two days after surgery. 手術後醫生會監控這位病患兩天。
The nurse made sure that the patient was closely monitored. 護士確保該病人有受到嚴密監控。
The monitor at the rich man’s house showed that the thief broke in through a window at around 2 a.m. 這有錢人家的監視器顯示小偷在凌晨 2 點左右從窗戶闖入。
The details of today’s flights are displayed on the monitor. 今日班機的詳細資訊顯示在螢幕上。
The teacher selected Ben as class monitor. 老師選班為班長。
John’s rapid advancement in the company has been because of his hard work. 約翰在公司內可快速升遷是由於他很努力工作。
The widespread use of computers has made it more convenient to communicate. 電腦的廣泛使用讓溝通更加方便了。
The new policy has received widespread support. 新的政策受到廣泛支持。
Mix the flour with more water to make a soft dough. 把麵粉混合更多的水,這樣就可做出柔軟的麵團了。
After you add oil and sugar into the bowl, make sure you mix well. 在碗中加入油和糖之後,一定要攪拌均勻。
Becky is always friendly. No wonder she can mix well with everyone. 貝琪總是很友善。難怪她能和大家打成一片。
Chuck thinks life is a mix of misery and sadness. 查克認為人生是摻雜了痛苦與悲傷。
No effective vaccine has yet been developed for HIV. 目前尚未培育出對抗愛滋病病毒的疫苗。
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