Calm down. 冷靜
e.g. Calm down. We need to have a rational discussion about this issue.
Please stop shouting. 請停止大吼大叫。
e.g. Please stop shouting. It won't help us find a solution.
Act like grown-ups. 表現得成熟點,像個成年人。
e.g. Act like grown-ups. Let's handle this situation maturely and find a resolution.
Why don’t we sit down? 我們為什麼不坐下來?
e.g. Why don't we sit down and talk calmly? We need to communicate effectively to resolve this issue.
Let’s talk this through. 這件事我們好好談。
e.g. Let's talk this through and find a mutually agreeable solution.
Let’s figure out the problem. 我們一起想辦法解決問題。
e.g. Let's figure out the problem together and come up with a solution.
Be mature and resolve this. 成熟點,解決這個問題。
e.g. Be mature and resolve this issue with a calm and rational mindset.
What’s going on here? 這裡發生什麼事?
e.g. What's going on here? Can someone explain the situation to me?
(這裡發生什麼事? 有人能向我解釋一下情況嗎?)
What’s the issue? 在爭論什麼?
e.g. What's the issue? I'm not clear on what we're arguing about.
(在爭論什麼? 我不清楚我們正在爭論什麼。)
So, how did this begin? 爭論是怎麼開始的?
e.g. So, how did this begin? Can you give me some background information?
(爭論是怎麼開始的? 你能給我一些背景訊息嗎?)
Let’s not fight. 我們不要爭吵。
e.g. Let's not fight. We should find a peaceful resolution to this issue.
I don’t want to quarrel. 我不想要吵架。
e.g. I don't want to quarrel. Let's have a calm discussion and find a compromise.
We can work this out. 我們可以解決這件事情。
e.g. We can work this out. Let's put our differences aside and find a solution that works for both of us.
Can we make up? 我們可以和好嗎?
e.g. Can we make up? I don't want any lingering resentment between us.
No hard feelings. 別放在心上。
e.g. No hard feelings. Let's put this behind us and move forward. 別放在心上。
(讓我們把這個過去放在身後,向前邁進。)當兩個人在辯論或爭執後,其中一人可能會說 "No hard feelings",以表示他們不希望這個爭執影響到彼此的關係,希望能夠以和平的方式解決分歧。是一個常用的口語表達,通常在解決爭議、和解或重新開始的時候使用,以表示希望雙方能夠過去的不快不再影響彼此的關係。
Calm down. We need to have a rational discussion about this issue.
Toys may help calm an anxious dog down.
As soon as I arrived home, I sat down.
We need to figure out a way to fix this problem.
Joe has to come up with a plan for financing his new business.
Thirteen players and a coach make up this team.
Can we make up? I don't want any lingering resentment between us.
No hard feelings. Let's put this behind us and move forward.