1 表達堅定的決心和承諾:
come rain or shine 無論下雨還是晴天
come hell or high water 無論發生任何困難或困境
come what may 無論如何
- He promised to finish the project on time, come rain or shine.(他承諾無論如何都會按時完成這個項目。)
- I will be there to support you, come hell or high water.(不論面對什麼困難,我都會在那裡支持你。)
- I will support you through thick and thin, come what may.(無論如何,我都會在你身邊支持你。)
- She promised to stand by him, come what may, in sickness and in health.(她答應無論如何都會在疾病和健康中支持他。)
2 表達坦白、承認:
come clean 坦白、承認
come clean with someone 指向某人坦白或承認真相
- He finally decided to come clean about his involvement in the incident.(他最終決定坦白他在這起事件中的參與。)
- It's time to come clean with your parents and tell them the truth.(是時候向你的父母坦白並告訴他們真相了。)
3 come to a head 達到關鍵或高峰
- The disagreement among the team members came to a head during the meeting.(在會議期間,團隊成員之間的分歧激化到了臨界點。)
4 come in handy 在需要時派上用場
- The umbrella came in handy when it started raining. (當下雨時,傘派上了用場。)
5 come in contact with 與某物或某人接觸或碰觸到
- I came in contact with a famous author at the book fair. (我在書展上與一位著名作家接觸到。)
- Be careful not to come in contact with hot surfaces. (小心不要碰到熱的表面。)
Grandma promised to teach me how to bake a cake.
I’ll support you through thick and thin.
Whatever happens, I will stand by you.
We’ve decided to change the plan.
To tell the truth, I don’t like Albert.
You’d better carry an umbrella with you; it may come in handy.
You should prevent your wound from coming in contact with water over the next three days.
I'm all thumbs when it comes to sewing.
I will buy my parents a new house if I win the lottery.
Dan is too proud to ask for help.
The boy cried as soon as he saw the stranger.
Despite his dad’s warning, Paul went fishing alone.
Al went through a major transformation during college.
Fads come and go. What's fashionable now might become outdated in no time.
Renee started exercising three days ago.
芮妮 3 天前開始做運動。
The train arrived at the station on time.