上一章教了大家如何在購物時描述衣服品質、尺碼、價格。 (點我觀看)
購買衣服時,你也是喜歡詢問建議的人嗎? 當面臨選擇障礙時「問」就對啦。
This pair of jeans and the sweater are a perfect match.
這條牛仔褲和這件毛衣真是絕配。a perfect match 絕配
Which color / style do you think suits me best?
你覺得哪個顏色 / 款式最適合我?
The color of the dress brings out the blue of your eyes. / The color of the suit sets off your blue eyes.
這件洋裝可以突顯你的藍眼睛。/ 這套西裝的顏色襯托出你的藍眼睛。bring sth out 使某物突顯;使某物變得明顯
set sth off 襯托出某物
I need to find a skirt that goes well with this blouse. / I need to find a pair of jeans that matches the T-shirt.
我需要找一條和這件襯衫相配的裙子。/ 我需要找一條牛仔褲搭配這件T 恤。go well with... 和……很搭配
形容搭配得很好,英文還可以說:· match perfectly:
e.g. The accessories match perfectly with the outfit.
(這些配件和這身裝扮完美搭配。)· complement each other
e.g. The colors of the jacket and pants complement each other.
(外套和褲子的顏色互相襯托)· pair nicely
e.g. The handbag pairs nicely with the shoes.
The dress looks custom-made for you. 這件洋裝彷彿是為你量身打造的。
custom-made [ˋkʌstəm͵med] a.( 衣服)訂做的
You look like a million dollars in that dress! / You look gorgeous in that dress!
你穿那件洋裝非常好看!look / feel like a million dollars 看上去非常好
You really have good taste in fashion. This is one of our bestsellers.
You have an incredible sense of style. 你有一個令人難以置信的時尚品味。
This color really suits your complexion. 這個顏色很適合你的膚色。
complexion [kəmˋplɛkʃən] n. 膚色
The color really becomes you. / The color really suits you. You should wear it more often.
這顏色真適合你。你應該更常穿這種顏色的衣服。become [bɪˋkʌm] v. 適合
You look sharp / smart / fashionable in that suit. 你穿那套西裝看起來很時髦。
sharp [ʃɑrp] a. 時髦的(= smart)
Do you think this blouse looks good on me? 你覺得這件襯衫穿在我身上好看嗎?
sth look good on sb 某件衣服穿在某人身上好看
The dress looks elegant / graceful / fabulous on you. 這件洋裝穿在你身上很優雅 / 很漂亮。
elegant [ˋɛləgənt] a. 優雅的
graceful [ˋgresfəl] a. 優雅的
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This pair of jeans and the sweater are a perfect match.
Wow, you look gorgeous in that dress. It really brings out your beauty!
I need to find a skirt that goes well with this blouse.
You look like a million dollars in that dress!
You really have good taste in fashion. This is one of our bestsellers.