1 接受交付的物品: accept delivery of sth 收到某物(=take delivery of sth)
The company accepted delivery of the shipment and started the inventoryprocess.(公司接收了貨物的交付並開始進行庫存處理。)
2 接下任務 或 挑戰:
accept an assignment接受任務 accept a/the challenge接受挑戰 accept someone's challenge接受某人的挑戰
She readily accepted the challenging assignment from her boss.(她欣然接受了老闆提出的具有挑戰性的任務。)
She's always ready toaccept the challenge and prove herself.(她總是準備好接受挑戰,證明自己。)
He dared her to climb the mountain, and she accepted the challenge.(他挑戰她去爬山,她接受了這個挑戰。)
She accepted his challenge to a racewithout hesitation.(她毫不猶豫地接受了他的賽跑挑戰。)
3 接受邀請 或 提議:
accept an invitation接受邀請 accept a proposal接受邀請/提議 accept the offer接受邀請/提議 accept a job offer接受工作邀請
She gladly accepted the invitation to the party.(她很高興地接受了參加派對的邀請。)
She accepted his proposal to start a new business together.(她接受了他一起創業的建議。)
The committeedecided toaccept the proposal for the new park design.(委員會決定接受新公園設計的提議。)
We accepted the offer to join them on their trip to Europe next month.(我們接受了下個月跟隨他們到歐洲旅行的邀請。)
After much consideration, he decided toaccept the job offer.(經過深思熟慮後,他決定接受這份工作邀請。)
英文小貼士:「accept a proposal」與「accept the offer」雖然在某些情境下可能意思相近,但通常有一些微妙的差異。
「accept a proposal」通常指接受某人提出的建議或計劃,可以是在商業、個人生活或其他領域的建議。這可能指的是一個概念、計畫、計劃或主意。舉例來說:「她接受了他關於改進公司營銷策略的建議。」。「accept the offer」通常用於指接受某人提供的具體機會、邀請、合同或機會。這可能是指工作機會、商業合同、邀請參加活動等。舉例來說:「他接受了公司提供的工作機會。」因此,儘管兩者都包含了接受某事的概念,但「accept a proposal」著重在接受一個想法或建議,而「accept the offer」則更偏向接受具體的邀請或機會。
4 接受批評、指教:
accept criticism接受批評
She is open-minded and acceptsconstructivecriticism.(她心胸開闊,接受建設性的批評。)
以下訂閱區將教你「accept that ship has sailed」以及「accept the rough end of the pineapple」等更多有趣的俚語用法!! 趕快 訂閱 Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制~學更多有趣的用法!
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