賀錦麗目前擔任美國第49任副總統。她於2020年與總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)一同當選,成為美國歷史上第一位女性、第一位非裔美國人以及第一位南亞裔美國人副總統。之前曾擔任加利福尼亞州的參議員(Former California Senator),並在此之前擔任加州的總檢察長。她在政治上的立場多集中於進步主義議題,包括社會正義(Social Justice)、氣候變化(Climate Change)和醫療改革(Healthcare plan)。
賀錦麗在關鍵議題上的立場為何? (Where Kamala Harris stands on key issues?)
政見 political positions
Economic Policy(經濟政策)
Kamala Harris supports increasing the minimumwage, emphasizingeconomic fairness, and advocating for improved labor rights. She also supports strengthening the social safety net and providing more federal funding to assist low- and middle-income families. Kamala Harris advocated for several progressive policies, such as paid family leave, affordable housing, and free tuition for families with low to moderateincomes.
She is an advocate for universal healthcare and works to expand medical coverage to ensure more Americans can access affordable medical services. Harris previously supported Medicare for All, a policy that would provide access to the system for all Americans. This position gained significant popularity among many progressive Democrats before President Biden's tenure.
她是全民醫保的支持者,推動擴大醫療覆蓋,讓更多美國人能夠獲得負擔得起的醫療服務。賀錦麗曾經支持全民醫療保險(Medicare for All),這項政策允許所有美國人都可以使用這個系統。在拜登總統任期之前,這一立場在許多進步民主黨人中變得非常受歡迎。
Climate Change (氣候變遷)
Kamala Harrisemphasizes the importance of addressingclimate change, supports implementing the Green New Deal, advocates for a transition to clean energy, and is committed to reducing carbonemissions.
賀錦麗強調應對氣候變遷的重要性,支持實施綠色新政(Green New Deal),推動向清潔能源的轉型,並致力於減少碳排放。
Social Justice (社會正義)
Kamala Harris focuses on criminaljusticereform, addressing systemic racism, and enhancingcivil rights protections. As a formerprosecutor, Kamala Harris supports criminaljusticereform, advocates for improving police transparency, and is dedicated to reducing mass incarceration, particularly the issue of over-incarceration in minority communities.
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