Q : What if you are asked to relocate? Do you have a problem with that?
A: I would consider the relocation if it would provide an opportunity for advancement, or making a greater contribution to the company. I'm keen to further my English-speaking skills. Therefore, by seeking employment with international companies, I'm aware that relocating is highly probable. I've lived abroad before, and I really enjoyed the challenge of adapting to a new culture.
I didn't think about relocation when I was applying for this job. However, if it provides an opportunity for promotion, I'll certainly give it serious consideration.
當面試官問 " What if you are asked to relocate? Do you have a problem with that? "回答時,
*Why do you change your jobs so often? 你為何經常換工作? *What are you expecting from this job? 你期待從這份工作當中獲得什麼? *Do you see any important trends in our industry? 你在我們這個產業裡有看見任何重要趨勢嗎? *Why did you leave your last job? 你上一個工作的離職原因為何? *How has your education prepared you for the job? 你所受的教育跟這份工作有何關連? 這些基本問題你都會回答嗎? 該怎麼回答才有加分效果,而不是讓雇主臉上多出三條線? 本書教你以最簡潔道地的英文,做出最得體的應對,前進外商不再是夢!