圖片來源:Weerachai chandang / Shutterstock.com
文章主講 Karen, Wesley
In November 2020, Burger King UK got on their Twitter account and encouraged customers to order from other fast-food chains, including McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, and other “food outlets.” The statement was sent out as a means of support for the entire UK restaurant industry. The message told customers that “restaurants employing thousands of staff really need your support at the moment.” The surprising tweet came shortly before the UK lockdown went into effect, which meant that restaurants would only be able to offer takeaway or delivery. While maintaining that their Whopper was clearly the best choice, Burger King acknowledged that “ordering a Big Mac is not such a bad thing.”
2020 年十一月,英國漢堡王在其推特帳戶上鼓勵顧客向其他速食連鎖店(包括麥當勞、肯德基、Subway 及其他「餐飲店」)訂購餐點。他們發出這則聲明以作為支持整個英國餐飲業的方式。此訊息告訴顧客們「僱用數千名員工的餐廳此時真的很需要你們的幫助。」這則出人意料的推文在英國實施封城前不久發出,這表示各餐廳只能提供外帶或外送服務。雖然漢堡王堅稱他們的華堡毫無疑問是最棒的選擇,但他們也承認道:「點個大麥克也不是什麼壞事。」
New barriers installed in Venice in 2020 have proven capable of keeping high tide waters from flooding the city. The floodgate system, MOSE (Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico, or Experimental Electromechanical Module), was activated for the first time in July of 2020 after years of delays and setbacks. The system is made up of 78 barriers which can be raised to cut off the Venetian lagoon from the sea. In October, the MOSE dams were used twice when the high tide rose to 120 cm and then 140 cm. On both occasions, the barriers saved the city from flooding that would have typically left half of the city underwater. Testing on the system is still ongoing, and the project is not expected to be fully complete until the end of this year.
威尼斯在 2020 年新設置的水閘已證明能夠防止滿潮海水淹沒該市。歷經過數年的延期與阻礙後,此防洪閘系統「摩西」(實驗性電機模組)於 2020 年七月首度啟用。這個系統由七十八道閘門組成,能被升起以將威尼斯潟湖與海洋阻隔開。摩西堤壩在十月滿潮漲至一百二十公分及一百四十公分時啟動了兩次。在這兩次漲潮中,這些閘門都拯救了威尼斯市免受洪患,通常這些洪水都會淹沒半座城市。此系統的測試仍在進行中,而該計畫預計今年年底才會完工。
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Tom’s mother urged him to study every day.
The artist’s paintings are widely praised as a means of self-expression.