
✶ 水逆發威 如何防備?(上) The Mysterious Movements of Mercury

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水逆發威 如何防備?(上) The Mysterious Movements of Mercury
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文章主講 Bruce, Angela, Wesley

Depending on one’s perspective, Mercury in retrograde is either a monumental phenomenon with drastic repercussions for humanity or a simple, inconsequential optical illusion. The interpretation all hinges on whether a person is more of an astrologer or an astronomer at heart. Let’s start first with the more scientific viewpoint rather than looking at how celestial bodies and star signs may impact the lives of earthly beings.

水星逆行是會對人類造成嚴重影響的重大現象,或純粹是個無關緊要的視錯覺,端看個人的想法而定。要怎麼解釋都取決於一個人在本質上比較像占星學家還是天文學家。讓我們先從較科學的觀點 ―― 而非研究天體和星座會如何影響凡人生活 ―― 開始吧。

Mercury [ ˈmɝkjərɪ ] n. 水星
retrograde [ ˈrɛtəˌgred ] a. 倒退的,後退的
repercussion [ ˌripɚˈkʌʃən ] n.(尤指壞的)影響
optical  ˈɑptɪkl̩ ] a. 視覺的,光學的
astrologer [ əˈstrɑlədʒɚ ] n. 占星學家
astronomer [ əˈstrɑnəmɚ ] n. 天文學家

水逆發威 如何防備? The Mysterious Movements of Mercury

The simplest explanation of Mercury in retrograde is the most factual. Simply put, it is an illusory trick of the senses where the smallest planet in our solar system appears to move backwards in its orbit. That is, when viewed from the perspective of the Earth, the planet closest to the Sun appears to move in the sky from east to west rather than west to east. The reason for this illusion is that Mercury’s orbit around the Sun is much faster than Earth’s—about four times as fast, to be more precise. What happens is that when the smaller planet overtakes the Earth in revolving around the Sun, it appears to move in reverse. The effect has been likened to a situation where two cars are traveling on the highway and the faster one passes the slower one. To the driver of the speedier vehicle, the slower car looks like it is moving backwards.

對於水星逆行最簡單的解釋也是最基於事實的。簡單來說,這是感覺我們太陽系中最小的行星似乎在其軌道中向後移動的虛假錯覺。也就是說,從地球的角度來看時,這個最接近太陽的行星似乎在空中是由東向西移動,而不是從西向東。會造成這種錯覺是因為水星繞行太陽的速度比地球快上許多 ―― 更精確地說,是地球的四倍左右。實際的情況是,繞太陽公轉時,當這顆較小的行星超越地球,它看起來就好像在逆行。這種效應曾被比作兩輛車行駛在公路上,較快的車超越較慢的車的狀況。對於較快車輛的駕駛來說,較慢的車看起來就彷彿在向後移動。

factual [ ˈfæktʃʊəl ] a. 基於事實的
illusory [ ɪˈlusərɪ ] a. 虛假的
orbit [ ˈɔrbɪt ] n.(天體等的)運行軌道
be in orbit  在軌道中
to be (more) precise  (更)精確地說

Interestingly, it’s not just Mercury that appears to have a retrograde movement: all planets have this characteristic, with planets further from the sun displaying more pronounced retrograde patterns. Yet, for various non-scientific reasons, Mercury’s apparent backward path has attracted all the attention. Astrologers see Mercury in retrograde as an ominous sign, foretelling all sorts of terrible events, none of which are supported by scientific analysis.


ominous [ ˈɑmənəs ] a. 不祥的
foretell [ fɔrˈtɛl ] vt. 預言



  • humanity [ hjuˈmænətɪ ] n. 人類
  • human [ ˈhjumən ] n. 人類
  • a human being  人類
  • mankind [ ˌmænˈkaɪnd ] n. 人類
  • humankind [ ˈhjumənˌkaɪnd ] n. 人類
  • man [ mæn ] n. 人類



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Brian Foden
Brian Foden
Every failure is a step to success.