
✶密室逃脫:挑戰你的極限 Can You Escape?

Can You Escape?
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密室逃脫:挑戰你的極限 Can You Escape?
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        If you love playing interactive games and solving puzzles, then testing your wits in an escape room may be right up your alley. As the name suggests, an escape room is a locked room __1__ you must escape. In order to do so, you are required to find clues and solve a series of puzzles—all in a limited amount of time. Escape rooms typically have a theme, such as solving a murder mystery or executing a successful prison break.

        While escape rooms __2__ particularly popular in recent years, the concept dates back to the 2000s. A Japanese publishing company called SCRAP is credited with creating the first escape room in Kyoto in 2007. Called Real Escape Game, or REG, it soon became a success in Japan and other Asian countries. In 2012, San Francisco __3__ the first permanent REG on American soil. As of July 2022, there were reportedly close to 2,000 escape rooms run by various companies across the US. However, this figure was slightly lower than in previous years due to COVID-19.


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        The future outlook for the escape room industry seems __4__, according to industry insiders. One reason for this is the development of certain types of technology that are making escape rooms more sophisticated and interesting. Another is the growing tendency for millennials and zoomers to spend their money on new experiences __5__ just material things. You may want to try this unique adventure for yourself.


1. (A) by that (B) for what (C) from which (D) with whom
2. (A) become (B) have become (C) will become (D) are to become
3. (A) invaded (B) associated (C) offended (D) established
4. (A) positive (B) general (C) doubtful (D) miserable
5. (A) by means of (B) in return for (C) as opposed to (D) in keeping with


答案: 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C



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        If you love playing interactive games and solving puzzles, then testing your wits in an escape room may be right up your alley. As the name suggests, an escape room is a locked room from which you must escape. In order to do so, you are required to find clues and solve a series of puzzles—all in a limited amount of time. Escape rooms typically have a theme, such as solving a murder mystery or executing a successful prison break.

        While escape rooms become particularly popular in recent years, the concept dates back to the 2000s. A Japanese publishing company called SCRAP is credited with creating the first escape room in Kyoto in 2007. Called Real Escape Game, or REG, it soon became a success in Japan and other Asian countries. In 2012, San Francisco established the first permanent REG on American soil. As of July 2022, there were reportedly close to 2,000 escape rooms run by various companies across the US. However, this figure was slightly lower than in previous years due to COVID-19.

        The future outlook for the escape room industry seems positive, according to industry insiders. One reason for this is the development of certain types of technology that are making escape rooms more sophisticated and interesting. Another is the growing tendency for millennials and zoomers to spend their money on new experiences as opposed to just material things. You may want to try this unique adventure for yourself.


Words in Use
a. 相互作用的
n. 機智
n. 線索,端倪,頭緒
vt. 謀殺 & n. 謀殺(案)
vt. 執行;處死
a. 永恆的;常設的
adv. 據報導
vt. 認為
n. 數字;身材
n. 看法,觀點;展望,前景(與介詞 for 並用,常用單數)
n. 傾向
n. 冒險,奇遇
vt. & vi. (使)破碎;弄壞
n. 休息;裂口
vt. 打破(紀錄);違反
vi. 破曉
n. 土壤
vt. 弄髒,汙損
n. 知情人士,了解內幕的人
a. 世故的,圓滑的;(機器、系統)精密的
n. 千禧世代(又稱 Y 世代,一 般指 1980 年代、1990 年代出生的人)
[ ˈzumɚ ]
n. Z 世代(出生於 1990 晚期到 2000 年初期的人)
Practical Phrases
date back (all the way) to + 時間∕時期

My mother's antique table dates back to the early 1800s.

According to scientists, these fossils date back to 2000 BCE.

be credited with...

Bill is credited with saving the company from bankruptcy.

as of + 時間

As of yesterday, we had finished three-fifthsof the report.

a prison break


1. As the name suggests, an escape room is a locked room from which you must escape.


a. 空格前後為兩個完整的子句,且前面的先行詞為 a locked room(上鎖的房間),可知空格應置入可 引導形容詞子句的詞類,且該詞類要能修飾地方。

b. that 可作關係代名詞,但其前不可有介詞,故 (A) 不可選。

c. what 可作複合關係代名詞,但使用時其前不可有 先行詞,故 (B) 不可選。

d. from which(= where)可引導形容詞子句,修飾 表地方的先行詞,置入後表密室逃脫是一個你必須 「從中」逃脫的上鎖的房間,文法及語意皆符合, 故選 (C)。

e. whom 只能修飾表人的先行詞,故 (D) 不可選。

2. While escape rooms have become particularly popular in recent years, the concept dates back to the 2000s.


a. 本題測試現在完成式的用法:

凡句中有 in recent years / months(最近幾年/ 幾個月)等的時間副詞片語出現時,表示從過去到 現在為止仍持續的動作或狀態,使用現在完成式來表達。

In recent months, there have been several demonstrations in that area.


b. 本句後面有表一段時間的 in recent years(近幾 年來),可知答案應選 (B) have become。

3. In 2012, San Francisco established the first permanent REG on American soil.


空格後一句提到截至 2022 年七月,在美國各地 有將近兩千間由不同公司經營的密室逃脫,而本句 提及 the first permanent REG,可知應是2012 年,舊金山在美國國土上「建立」了首間永久的真 人密室逃脫,故 (D) 項應為正選。

4. The future outlook for the escape room industry seems positive, according to industry insiders.


空格後一句提到,特定科技的發展讓密室逃脫變得 更精密且有趣,可知業內人士對密室逃脫未來的展 望應該是「樂觀的」,故選 (A)。

5. Another is the growing tendency for millennials and zoomers to spend their money on new experiences as opposed to just material things.


根據語意,本段開頭提到業內知情人士對密室逃脫 未來的展望似乎是樂觀的,並說明兩個原因,本句 敘述第二個原因即是千禧世代和 Z 世代愈來愈傾向 於花錢在新的體驗上,「而非」僅是物質的東西, 故選 (C)。




be right up / down ones alley 合某人的胃口/口味/喜好

Olivia loves extreme sports, so bungee jumping is right up her alley.


以下介紹其他可表「正合某人胃口,某人喜歡的」的 片語:

a. be one’s cup of tea

Science fiction books aren’t my cup of tea. They’re too unrealistic.


b. be one’s thing

Shopping during sales is not my thing because I can’t stand being crushed by people trying to grab every bargain in sight.

我不喜歡在特賣會期間購物,因為我無法忍受被見 到特價商品就搶購的人潮擠來擠去。

c. suit one’s taste

That music didn’t suit my taste at all.


d. float one’s boat

For the toppings, you can choose fruits, chocolate, or cookies—whatever floats your boat.

配料的話,你可以選擇水果、巧克力或餅乾 ── 任何合你胃口的都行。



如果你喜歡玩互動遊戲和解謎,那麼在一個密室逃脫裡 考驗你的智慧,或許正合你的胃口。顧名思義,密室逃脫就 是一間上鎖的房間而你必須從中逃脫。為了逃脫出去,你得 找到線索和解開一連串的謎題 ── 全都要在限制的時間內 完成。密室逃脫通常有個主題,像是解開一起謀殺謎團,或 是執行一場成功的逃獄行動。

雖然密室逃脫在近幾年已變得特別受歡迎,其概念可以 追溯至 2000 年代。一間名為 SCRAP 的日本出版公司被認 為於 2007 年在京都創立了首間密室逃脫。其被稱為真人密 室逃脫(REG),很快就在日本和其他亞洲國家獲得成功。 2012 年,舊金山在美國國土上建立了首間永久的真人密室 逃脫。截至 2022 年七月,據說在美國各地,有將近兩千間 由不同公司經營的密室逃脫。然而,因為新冠肺炎,這個數 字比前幾年稍低。

根據業內知情人士,密室逃脫未來的展望似乎是樂觀 的。其中一個原因是特定科技的發展讓密室逃脫變得更精密 且有趣。另一個原因是千禧世代和Z 世代愈來愈傾向於花錢 在新的體驗上,而非僅是物質的東西。你可能會想要親自試 試這個獨特的冒險。


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