
新聞集錦:1.阿根廷出土之泰坦巨龍化石或為地表最大動物 2.人道取向 科學家研發酵母菌鮮奶

#動物 #飲食
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文章主講 Karen, Wesley

Discovered Titanosaur Might Be World’s Largest Animal

In January 2021, it was announced that paleontologists  at a dig site in Argentina had uncovered the fossils of a 98-million-year-old Titanosaur, and experts believe the dinosaur may be the largest creature to have ever existed on Earth. The Titanosaur species are categorized as sauropods, which were large quadruped herbivores  with long necks and long tails.

At the time of the report, the team excavating the fossil in northwest Patagonia had only uncovered 24 vertebrae  from the tail and some of the animal’s pelvic  and pectoral girdle. Based on the visible skeletal remains, the researchers estimate that this particular dinosaur was around 122 feet long and weighed about 90,000 kilograms. Other similarly large sauropods have been found in the region, including the Patagotitan and the Argentinosaurus.

Scientists Create Milk Product from Yeast 人道取向 科學家研發酵母菌鮮奶

Scientists Create Milk Product from Yeast
人道取向 科學家研發酵母菌鮮奶

On January 6, researchers at Tel Aviv University reported that they had produced cow’s milk in a lab from yeast. The professors behind the project—who have also created a startup  company called Imagindairy—stated that their goal is to find a way to produce dairy products with fewer damaging effects on the environment than traditional dairy farms. They hope to create milk that has the same nutritional benefits of animal milk, along with a normal smell, taste, and texture . The scientists are working to turn yeast cells that have been encoded with milk DNA into factories that can produce milk proteins. They believe this procedure will allow them to produce milk quickly and economically .

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