
高手原來是妳! Watch How It's Done!

Watch How It's Done!
#寫作 #戀愛
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高手原來是妳! Watch How It's Done!
哈利和莎莉前幾天出去約會。當他們漫步在街上時,有樣東西吸 引了莎莉的目光。
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   請根據下方三張連環圖畫的內容,寫一篇約 140-150 個單詞的作文,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局。

提示:     請根據左方三張連環圖畫的內容,寫一篇約 140-150 個單詞的作文,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局。  Writing Method 1. 引導句: Harry 與女友 Sally 約會,Sally 看到夾娃娃機裡有她一直很想要的娃娃。 2. 發展句: Harry 很努力地要夾到娃娃送給女友,但不順利。 3. 結論句: 最後 Sally 很輕鬆地靠自己夾到了娃娃,Harry 佩服不已。  Harry and Sally went out on a date the other day. As they strolled▼ through the streets, something caught Sally’s eye1. The plush toy▼ that she had longed for was in one of the claw machines▼. Seeing Sally’s expression, Harry decided to take a shot at2 winning the prize for her.     Equipped with skills from playing video games, Harry thought it wouldn’t be a tough game. He inserted3 a coin into the slot▼ and began. He tried desperately4 but his efforts were in vain5. Meanwhile, Sally chuckled▼ as she watched Harry.     In the end, Harry ran out of6 money, so he had no choice but to give up. When Harry was about to leave, Sally told him that she wanted to give it a shot2. After only one attempt, Sally won the prize. Impressed by her skills, Harry couldn’t help but gaze7 at her in admiration8.     哈利和莎莉前幾天出去約會。當他們漫步在街上時,有樣東西吸引了莎莉的目光。她朝思慕想的絨布娃娃就在其中一臺夾娃娃機中。看到莎莉的表情,哈利決定夾到她想要的娃娃給她。    哈利想說從打電動學到了一些技巧,這個不會太難才對。他將一枚硬幣投進投幣口然後開始夾。他很拚命地夾但都徒勞無功。同一時間,莎莉邊看著哈利夾邊竊笑著。    最後,哈利把錢用光了,所以只好放棄。當他準備要走的時候, 莎莉跟哈利說她想試試。莎莉只試了一次就夾到了。哈利欽佩她厲害的夾娃娃技術,忍不住用崇拜的眼神盯著她。

 Writing Method

1. 引導句: Harry 與女友 Sally 約會,Sally 看到夾娃娃機裡有她一直很想要的娃娃。

2. 發展句: Harry 很努力地要夾到娃娃送給女友,但不順利。

3. 結論句: 最後 Sally 很輕鬆地靠自己夾到了娃娃,Harry 佩服不已。


       Harry and Sally went out on a date the other day. As they strolled through the streets, something caught Sallys eye. The plush toy that she had longed for was in one of the claw machines. Seeing Sally’s expression, Harry decided to take a shot at winning the prize for her.

   Equipped with skills from playing video games, Harry thought it wouldn’t be a tough game. He inserted a coin into the slot and began. He tried desperately but his efforts were in vain. Meanwhile, Sally chuckled as she watched Harry.

   In the end, Harry ran out of money, so he had no choice but to give up. When Harry was about to leave, Sally told him that she wanted to give it a shot. After only one attempt, Sally won the prize. Impressed by her skills, Harry couldnt help but gaze at her in admiration.




   最後,哈利把錢用光了,所以只好放棄。當他準備要走的時候, 莎莉跟哈利說她想試試。莎莉只試了一次就夾到了。哈利欽佩她厲害的夾娃娃技術,忍不住用崇拜的眼神盯著她。

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