你是狗派嗎? 人家都說狗狗是人類最忠誠的朋友,英文裡其實有不少跟「狗(dog)」相關的英文用語,雖然中西文化有些差異,但華人文化裡也是有不少跟動物相關的成語。中文裡的「狗」常常帶有些貶義,但在英文裡可不見得喔。
人類會用狗的形象來比喻各種行為,像是”work like a dog”、” Let sleeping dogs lie”…等,你知道這些是什麼意思嗎?
”top”本來就有「頂端」的意思。可以想像在狗群裡最突出的那隻,也就是地位最高、領頭的那一隻。”Top dog”通常引申為公司的「高層主管、上級領導、權威」。相反地,”underdog”則有「處於劣勢的一方;失敗的一方」
Ex: Jessie has been top dog for over 20 years in the company.
(潔西已經做為公司的領頭超過20年之久。)Ex: It was quite obvious that we were the underdogs in the game.
字面上意思是「狗耳朵」,”dog ear”可想像成像是「折了角的書頁」,可當動詞用,也有形容詞用法(dog-eared)。
This book is brand-new. Please use it carefully and do not dog-ear the book.
I actually don’t like to borrow the books full of dog ears.
My English dictionary is not in good condition. The pages are all dog-eared.
Ex: It’s a dog-eat-dog world. People will do whatever it takes to be successful.
Ex: We have been cleaning up this room since early this morning. We’re dog-tired now.
= to be in trouble, especially with someone you know well
Ex: I will be in the doghouse if I don’t solve the customer’s problems well.
字面上是「像狗一般地工作」,並非批評是褒意! 是形容一個人「很努力、拼命工作」意思等同於 “work very hard.”。
Ex: My husband has been working like a dog to make ends meet.
Jessie has been top dog for over 20 years in the company.
I will be in the doghouse if I don't solve the customer's problems well.
My husband has been working like a dog to make ends meet.
Kevin has been leading a dog's life since he was laid off two years ago.
Don't be so upset about getting rejected. Remember every dog has its day.
I think asking about his breakup would make things worse. It's best to let sleeping dogs lie for now.
Sean’s brand new car was stolen two days after he bought it.
尚恩的新車買了 2 天後就被偷了。
Matthew earns just enough money to make ends
It seems that the reputation of the company has gone to the dogs.