若想要表達「準備好了」,想必大家一定會想到”ready”這個單字,若別人問你” Are you all set?” 也要聽得出對方是在問你「準備好了嗎?」。英文中表示「準備就緒;準備好了」有不少表達方式,一起來學學這9種實用的說法,下次別再説I’m ready. 也可以換個說法試試唷。
all set 一切都安排妥當了
"all set" 是一個口語用法,是一個表達準備好的輕鬆方式,表示「一切都已準備就緒」,準備好開始或進行某個活動或任務。常用於確認某人已經做好準備,準備好進行某項活動或開始某件事情。傳達了一種準備充分且有信心的態度。
e.g. We're all set for the party tonight. The food is prepared, decorations are up, and music is playing.
e.g. Are you all set for your presentation tomorrow? Have you practiced enough?
ready freddy 準備好了
e.g. Our team has practiced for months. Ready Freddy, it's time for the big game!
good to go 準備好出發了 = ready to go (一切已經就緒,可以行動了)
Are you all set for your presentation tomorrow? Have you practiced enough?
Our team has practiced for months. Ready Freddy, it's time for the big game!
The equipment is set up and tested. We're good to go for the live performance.
The athletes are locked and loaded for the big competition.
I just checked the sound system, and everything is five by five. We're ready to start the concert.
We've finished all the preparations for the event, so it's all systems go now!
After weeks of rehearsals, the cast is ready to roll and give their best performance on opening night.