在英文中,表達「震驚,驚訝」不單單只有”surprise”這個字,astonish, startle也都有表「驚訝」的含意。
一起來學學這些 表示「感到意外」的英文表達,讓我們可以在適當的情境下,更自然地與他人交流和表達我們的情感。
That’s a bolt from the blue.
Well that was out of the blue. 這消息真是出人意料。
"a bolt from the blue" 意思是「突如其來的驚喜或突發事件;晴天霹靂」。它描述了像閃電一樣快速且突然的出現,通常是指「某個意想不到的事情或消息」。”out of the blue” 是一個常見的英文片語,意思是「突然發生的事情,毫無預警或先兆」。從藍天突然出現的風暴這種意象,也象徵了一個突然出現且意外的情況。
I was astonished. 我很驚訝
e.g. I was astonished when he said that.
She startled me. 她嚇了我一跳。
e.g. She startled me when she dropped the glass.
startle vt. 使震驚 = astound = stun
knock sb down with a feather 令人大吃一驚。
e.g. When I heard they got married, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
The news that Larry was marrying a woman he had just met came like a bolt out of the blue.
We were having dinner when Peter appeared out of the blue.
When I heard they got married, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
We were all struck dumb with amazement.
I was often in awe of my grandmother when I was little.
Why are you staring at me, John? Is there something wrong with me?